Calling Out ‘Queers for Palestine’ for Groupthink and Hypocrisy
If you really support the Palestinians, do a Pride parade in Gaza.
This is one of the most amusing stories of the week. A watchdog group known as New Tolerance Campaign (NTC) is offering $1 million to “Queers for Palestine” or any LGBTQ+ group that supports the Hamas terrorists if they’ll go to Gaza or the West Bank and put on a Pride parade.
The president of NTC, Gregory T. Angelo, is himself homosexual and was the former president of the Log Cabin Republicans. NTC’s aim is to call out the hypocrisy that these far-left intersectional identity groups display.
In a statement to the press, Angelo said, “On the left in the United States, all oppression is the same oppression. And I think the left, quite to their disservice, lumps everything from racial discrimination to sexual orientation discrimination to gender discrimination to Islamophobia, all under the same umbrella. That’s certainly not the case.”
Angelo went on to express, “Here in the United States, we have protection from job discrimination for gay and trans individuals that came through a Supreme Court ruling. We have same-sex marriage is the law of the land in all 50 states, and just more generally, aside from legislation, we have a country that welcomes people of all faiths and family types.”
Angelo clearly illustrates that LGBTQ+ people aren’t oppressed. One only wishes that he would take the next logical step and declare that the Palestinians’ oppression is self-inflicted. They squandered their opportunity by voting Hamas into power and allowing that terrorist organization to take all the aid money and invest it in terror tunnels.
The larger point, though, is that conflating the “plight” of gender-confused people in the U.S. with the “oppression” of the Palestinian people is actually a conflict of interest.
According to the New York Post editorial board, “In 2016, Hamas killed one of its own senior terror commanders for having sex with another man. In 2022, a young West Bank man was beheaded for being gay, with his killer sharing video of the atrocity on social media.”
The Palestinian Authority has already taken a very clear stance against LGBTQ+ advocacy in the West Bank. In 2019, the PA threatened to arrest anyone who participated in any LGBTQ+ events in the territory.
Gaza, the Palestinian Authority, Iran, and other Middle Eastern Islamic nations are known for dealing extremely harshly with homosexual people. Do you know where all the LGBTQ+ people of those countries flee? Israel.
Quoting once again from the New York Post editors: “It’s a fact that contemporary left ideology asserts that Jews are oppressors and that LGBTQ people are oppressed and therefore must back the Jew-haters. What’re a few beheadings between the staunch comrades of the anticolonial resistance? It’s as incoherent as it is morally ugly, but that’s the way modern leftist ‘thinking’ goes. So Angelo’s offer — made in total good faith — shines a powerful light on that dark absurdity.”
Angelo wants these advocates to put their activism where their mouth is and push for LGBTQ+ rights in Gaza and the West Bank. He knows they won’t.
No one has taken NTC up on this offer. Shocking, I know. I guess they’d like not to be thrown off of buildings or beheaded. They’ll just continue to be “chickens for KFC,” to quote Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as long as the Colonel (Hamas) is an ocean away.
- Tags:
- Rainbow Mafia
- Hamas
- Palestinians
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