Lincoln Project Dallies With Iranian Disinformation
Phony Republicans push foreign propaganda just because they hate Donald Trump.
You’ve probably heard about how the Proud Boys tried to intimidate Democrat voters last week by sending them threatening emails. If it wasn’t the media spreading the word about unacceptable threats, then it was The Lincoln Project hyping the incident and blaming President Donald Trump for the actions of the group. But there was just one problem: The Proud Boys, while not anybody’s idea of angels, had nothing to do with it.
The perpetrator was, instead, the theocratic regime in Tehran, which took time from its fantasies of a second Holocaust to instead engage in an act of cyber warfare that warrants a serious response. We can deal with that part later — after November 3.
The Lincoln Project, though, will have to be dealt with more urgently. For starters, these phony Republicans were so blinded by Trump Derangement Syndrome that they embraced and spread disinformation from Iran, a state sponsor of terrorism. And, as has always been the case with the inside-the-Beltway clique that The Lincoln Project belongs to, rather than admit they screwed up, they simply pretend nothing happened and sell out the very people they purport to serve and help.
For all the fuss about Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia (which is a Democrat fantasy), why is there no discussion about the Iranians? And why is China, which interfered in the 1996 election via illegal donations to the DNC, also exempt from scrutiny? We hear nothing but crickets.
We at The Patriot Post have long recognized the Russian threat. It’s one of the reasons we’ve noted the geopolitical kompromat that its Nord Stream 2 pipeline creates for Germany. It’s why we’ve supported President Trump’s efforts to get NATO allies to meet their commitments, as well as his work to address Russian cheating on the INF Treaty and others. When President Trump pulls out of these bogus treaties, he gives our military a better chance to fight and win. The establishment, however, had been giving Russia a pass on its violations.
Still, the president’s efforts to promote American energy production — and even exports of natural gas — is arguably the most effective non-military way to curb Russia’s geopolitical ambitions. An added bonus is that this approach also hampers Iran.
In contrast, think of how the Green New Deal would benefit Russia, which has already won one victory against us with the halting of the Atlantic Coast natural gas pipeline. Why are the so-called “true” conservatives of the Beltway’s Lincoln Project not sounding the alarm?
Donald Trump certainly has his imperfections, but his America-first patriotism isn’t one of them. And yet these Trump-deranged organizations are so obsessed with him that they’ll choose a genocidal bunch of theocrats over their nation’s best interests.
The Lincoln Project and its ilk have been, for all intents and purposes, fired by grassroots Patriots — and for a number of good reasons. This latest incident merely adds to their list of anti-American offenses.