Biden Bends to Xi on COVID
The China virus has killed more than one million Americans, but Joe Biden made clear that he’d rather talk about climate change.
“No one f***s with a Biden,” said Scranton Joe Biden recently. But that’s not exactly true, is it?
Otherwise, Chinese President Xi Jinping wouldn’t have just stood there and made ol’ Joe shuffle all the way across the room to greet him yesterday at the G20 Summit in Indonesia. They must’ve loved it back in Beijing.
From there, it went downhill. Biden and Xi met for about three hours, but, according to the White House, the topic of COVID-19 never came up — which means that the origins of the virus never came up either. The murderous and rapacious communist Chinese regime keeps insisting that it occurred naturally, having jumped from some as-yet unknown animal to a human. But hardly anyone aside from the bought-off ChiCom stooges at the World Health Organization believes that anymore. Indeed, everyone from Jon Stewart to congressional Republicans are now convinced it leaked from a lab — which is what many of us were saying a long time ago.
But why bother with the particulars of how a deadly virus was unleashed upon the world, killing more than a million Americans and nearly seven million people around the globe? As Hillary Clinton might’ve asked, “What difference, at this point, does it make?”
And why bother challenging China on its production of fentanyl, which comes across our porous southern border and helps kill 300 Americans every day? Think about it: Where fentanyl deaths are concerned, the equivalent of a fully loaded airliner crashes every day across America. But not a peep from President Biden about this ongoing calamity.
Thus, instead of holding the ChiComs responsible for their malfeasance, Fox News says, “Biden emphasized in his three-hour meeting with Xi the need for their countries to work together on issues such as climate change, debt relief, food security and health security.”
In addition, the deeply compromised Biden appeased Xi by dutifully reiterating our nation’s “One China” policy, which acknowledges the island nation of Taiwan as part of China. Biden did, according to the White House, raise concerns about Xi’s “aggressive action in the region in recent months,” but we doubt the communist ruler took him seriously. In any case, Biden’s subservience was a far cry from his accidental toughness in Tokyo on May 23, when he responded to a journalist’s question by saying we’d defend Taiwan militarily if necessary. That comment, of course, necessitated a cleanup on Aisle 46.
Since then, Biden has tried to emphasize his great (read: subservient) relationship with Xi, reassuringly telling us that he doesn’t believe there’s any imminent threat by China to invade Taiwan. Which isn’t exactly in alignment with what members of his team have been saying recently.
“This confrontation is already underway,” said Donald Trump’s former secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, yesterday. “It has been for the past decade. … Xi has virtually a lifetime lock on power and his idea of a world that looks more like theirs and less like ours is one we have to confront in every dimension.”
Pompeo further noted that he believes making climate change the biggest issue between the two countries would be seen as weakness by Xi.
Diplomatically, then, Biden’s big Asian swing hasn’t exactly gone according to plan. But nor has it gone well from a basic blocking-and-tackling standpoint. On Saturday in Cambodia, for example, our nearly octogenarian president thanked the prime minister of Colombia for his hospitality. Then, in Indonesia yesterday, he struggled to read the notes that were prepared for him — the notes that told him which pre-selected Reuters journalist he was allowed to call upon for a question.
Luckily, we’ve gotten used to this sort of international embarrassment. And just think: Only 26 more months to go.
Unless he [insert chuckle] runs for reelection.
POSTSCRIPT: The contempt with which China views the Biden administration was made clear by the regime’s manhandling of an ABC News producer, Molly Nagle, after the two men had completed their opening remarks yesterday. Nagle’s sin was to dare shout a question to Biden about whether human rights would come up during the two men’s discussions. “Instantly,” said a French pool reporter, “a man from the Chinese side … yanked the producer backwards by the backpack” and pushed Nagle toward the door, at which point “two White House staff members intervened saying the producer should be left alone.” So much for respecting our free press.