House GOP Announces Biden Probe
Establishing the corruption of Joe and Hunter Biden is crucial, but Republicans mustn’t be seen as vengeful.
Joe Biden is a corrupt 50-year resident of The Swamp who used his drug-addled son Hunter to make a lot of money from the ChiComs and the notoriously crooked Ukrainians in an influence-peddling scheme. We already know this, though thanks to a scandalously suppressive media, millions of voters in 2020 did not. Thus, House Republicans, fresh off winning the chamber, announced that when they officially take control come January 3, they will investigate the Biden family for these shady overseas dealings.
“The Biden family’s business dealings implicate a wide range of criminality from human trafficking to potential violations of the Constitution,” said Representative James Comer, who will chair the House Oversight and Reform Committee. “In the 118th Congress, this committee will evaluate the status of Joe Biden’s relationship with his family’s foreign partners and whether he is a president who is compromised or swayed by foreign dollars and influence. I want to be clear: This is an investigation of Joe Biden, and that’s where the committee will focus in this next Congress.”
“This is an investigation of Joe Biden.”
Indeed, that is the point. No one cares what Hunter Biden does with drugs, prostitutes, or refrigerator artwork except insofar as it pertains to his dad, “the Big Guy.” In his own memoir, Beautiful Things, Hunter admitted, “There’s no question my last name was a coveted credential.”
Comer says possible crimes include conspiracy, wire fraud, tax evasion, money laundering, and violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and the Trafficking Victims Protection Act. Oh, and the GOP report adds “potential violations of the United States Constitution’s Foreign Emoluments Clause.”
“As part of our investigation,” Comer added, “we have evidence that the finances, credit cards, and bank accounts of Hunter and Joe Biden were comingled, if not shared.” He also noted that Hunter’s associates met then-Vice President Joe Biden.
Congressman Jim Jordan, incoming chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, gave a reminder that it wasn’t just the Leftmedia but the deep state helping to cover up Biden corruption. “Never forget what happened on October 19, 2020, 15 days before the most important election we have in our country,” he said of the day former National Intelligence Director James Clapper and 49 other former officials in the U.S. intelligence community dismissed emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop as nothing more than “Russian disinformation.”
That was itself disinformation as Mark Alexander detailed at the time.
Predictably, Team Biden dismissed the GOP investigation of “long-debunked conspiracy theories.” A White House Counsel’s office spokesman huffed, “President Biden is not going to let these political attacks distract him from focusing on Americans’ priorities, and we hope congressional Republicans will join us in tackling them instead of wasting time and resources on political revenge.”
You mean like how Democrats wasted time on numerous Donald Trump witch hunts and impeachments based on fabricated evidence? The difference here, of course, is that Biden almost certainly actually did do something wrong.
That said, Democrats still have their allies in the press, and there’s a very real risk of Republicans looking like exactly the vengeful cadre Democrats will paint them to be.
“The public thinks both sides are corrupt and the GOP is stupid and chaotic,” said political analyst Erick Erickson. “Going after Hunter Biden as a top priority instead of economic issues, etc. feeds the public perception the GOP is not serious.”
It is critical to get to the bottom of whether the current president of the United States corrupted himself through the shady dealings of his son and whether those dealings jeopardize the national security of the country. It is also important to be serious about addressing the top priorities of voters. Republicans should be able to walk and chew gum and the same time. Should.
Former Biden associate Tony Bobulinski, for one, is looking forward to the investigation. “I think the American people are going to see those facts,” he said. “I think they’re going to be shocked by those facts. And hopefully justice is served.”