Right Analysis   /   Government
Michael Swartz / July 23, 2024

Republicans Say Biden Needs to Go

If they insist that Joe is unfit to finish his term, then they install Harris as president, thereby making her a more formidable election opponent.

Douglas Andrews / July 17, 2024

Secret Service Director Blames Sloped Roof

Kim Cheatle bizarrely claimed that they didn’t place agents on the rooftop used by the shooter because it was sloped.

Victor Davis Hanson / July 12, 2024

Our Brezhnev, Our Pravda, Our Soviet Union…

What is next for our increasingly Soviet state?

Stephen Moore / July 9, 2024

The Case for Draining the Swamp Is Stronger Than Ever

A recent survey of federal workers finds only 6% are working full time in the office.

Emmy Griffin / June 25, 2024

The DHS Religious Test

Another executive branch leftist proxy is labeling completely normal people as “extremists.”

Douglas Andrews / June 21, 2024

Biden’s $42 Billion Broadband Bust

Nearly three years after his $1.2 trillion “infrastructure” bill’s passage, rural Americans are still without high-speed Internet service.

John Stossel / June 19, 2024

You Owe $100,000!

America’s spending growth is unsustainable. You can stretch a rubber band farther and farther, but eventually, it will break.

Nate Jackson / June 17, 2024

Supreme Court Says ATF Can’t Legislate

No executive agency can write the laws, said SCOTUS in striking down the ATF’s ban on bump stocks.

Stephen Moore / June 11, 2024

Biden Housing Scheme Could Ignite Another 2008 Mortgage Crisis

The latest scheme is to encourage families to borrow more money by using the equity in their home as collateral.

Douglas Andrews / June 7, 2024

What a Difference a President Makes

The comparison between Ronald Reagan’s remarks 40 years ago and Joe Biden’s remarks yesterday couldn’t be more glaring.

Douglas Andrews / June 6, 2024

FBI’s Wray Wants $11 Billion for FY 2025

The amount would mark a $661 million increase over the weaponized bureau’s current budget.

Douglas Andrews / June 5, 2024

House GOP Grills Garland on Weaponization

The most partisan attorney general in modern American history got a five-hour grilling on two-tiered justice from House Republicans.

Ian Haworth / June 4, 2024

How to Avoid the Next Fauci

We have to truly learn from the political and cultural catastrophe that was our COVID-19 response.

Thomas Gallatin / June 4, 2024

Fauci’s Blame-Shifting Revisionism

The former head of the nation’s draconian COVID-19 response seeks to downplay and rewrite his disastrous role in it.

Nate Jackson / May 23, 2024

NIH Avoided Transparency to Hide COVID Origins

Arrogant bureaucrats think they know better than us and vigorously avoid being held accountable.

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