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Right Analysis   /   Politics
Thomas Gallatin / July 7, 2020

Canceling America

The Left’s “social justice” crusade is really rooted in fomenting a Marxist revolution.

Douglas Andrews / July 7, 2020

Biden Lurches Left

Can Trump capitalize on his opponent’s radicalism?

J. Adams Clymer / July 2, 2020

An Independent Independence Day

During a time of national turmoil, pause to consider and truly celebrate real Liberty.

Douglas Andrews / July 1, 2020

‘I Can’t Believe I’m Losing to This Guy’

Trump must be having similar sentiments when matched up against a mentally declining Biden.

Louis DeBroux / July 1, 2020

The Left’s Political Spin of ‘Failed’ COVID Response

Democrats want to blame Republicans for every coronavirus case and death.

Nate Jackson / July 1, 2020

Putin Prefers Biden

Comparing the candidates’ records, there’s little question Russia would take Biden over Trump.

Thomas Gallatin / July 1, 2020

Leftist Wordplay

The “social justice” cultural revolutionaries change the definition of words to confuse and confound.

Mark Alexander / June 30, 2020

Trump: Getting It Right

“I do wonder sometimes if Democrats love our country.”

Douglas Andrews / June 29, 2020

DC Statehood? Dems Try to Stack the Deck

A House measure to create Washington, Douglass Commonwealth shouldn’t go any further.

Nate Jackson / June 26, 2020

Why Protest Against the Anthem? Just Replace It!

A proposal to replace “The Star-Spangled Banner” with John Lennon’s “Imagine.”

Roger Helle / June 26, 2020

The Left’s Declaration of War

This next election could bring about the destruction of all we hold dear if we refuse to fight.

Media Editors / June 26, 2020

Video: Speaking Up — Why It’s Now or Never

We have everything to lose if we don’t speak up and push back.

Harold Hutchison / June 25, 2020

Did Strzok Just Implicate Biden?

The ousted former FBI hack took notes in that infamous 2017 White House meeting.

Media Editors / June 25, 2020

Video: Facebook Moderators Delete Pro-Trump Posts

“If someone is wearing a MAGA hat, I am going to delete them for terrorism.”

Nate Jackson / June 24, 2020

Pelosi’s Chokehold on Police Reform

Her brazen race-baiting lie: Republicans are “trying to get away with the murder of George Floyd.”

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