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Right Analysis   /   Politics
Media Editors / July 15, 2020

John Stossel Video: Doomsayers Keep Getting It Wrong

Experts and models constantly overpredict disaster.

Harold Hutchison / July 14, 2020

Obamagate: Clemency for All Involved?

Newly released documents regarding Michael Flynn also shed light on Roger Stone.

Douglas Andrews / July 14, 2020

Pinocchi-Joe’s Trouble With Truth

Biden’s manifold problems run far deeper than his own marked cognitive decline.

Lewis Morris / July 14, 2020

De Blasio’s Socialism Is Wrecking New York City

The Big Apple’s mayor has deep roots in Marxism and his leadership reflects it.

Thomas Gallatin / July 13, 2020

McCloskeys Punished for Standing Against the ‘Woke’ Mob

Prosecutor goes after the couple who dared to defend their home against BLM thugs.

Robin Smith / July 13, 2020

No, the Parties Didn’t ‘Switch’

It’s time to debunk a popular myth about the Republican and Democrat Parties.

Media Editors / July 11, 2020

Video: Bill de Blasio: Only BLM Protests Are OK

The deleterious mayor cites an “area of real sensitivity” as justification.

Media Editors / July 11, 2020

Video: Does Kanye West Hurt Trump or Biden More?

Musician and entrepreneur Kanye West announces he’s running for president.

Media Editors / July 10, 2020

Video: Can Trump Do It Again?

Jason Siler analytically explains why he thinks Trump will win in November.

Arnold Ahlert / July 9, 2020

The Cancel Culture Eats Its Own

No Democrat icon is safe from the Left’s latest obsession.

Thomas Gallatin / July 8, 2020

Omar Calls for Marxist Revolution

The radical leftist demands that our economic and political systems be torn down.

Thomas Gallatin / July 8, 2020

Leftists Want Police Out of Schools

They erroneously claim police presence “traumatizes” the students.

Louis DeBroux / July 8, 2020

Biden’s Housing Plan Would Destroy Suburban Communities

He wants to push people into cities.

Douglas Andrews / July 7, 2020

COVID-19: Wishing for the Worst

When it comes to coronavirus, the Leftmedia leads with gloom and doom.

Thomas Gallatin / July 7, 2020

NFL Goes Full Woke

The “black national anthem” will be played during the first week of the season.

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