Right Analysis   /   Taxes
Brian Mark Weber / June 14, 2024

Leftists Renew Attacks on Trump Tax Cuts

The Republican tax cuts of 2017 will sunset if nothing is done. Democrats want to raise taxes.

Caleb Nunes / June 12, 2024

The Flat Tax

The greatest benefit to passing a flat tax is that it would effectively free those on the Right from the mundane topic of taxes.

Political Editors / May 31, 2024

In Brief: Biden’s Reelection Is Guaranteed to Hurt You

Taxpayers could end up losing $5 trillion dollars if Biden wins in November.

Stephen Moore / May 28, 2024

5 Reasons to Make the Trump Tax Cut Permanent

Almost all the negative claims that Democrats made in opposing the Trump tax cuts in 2017 were proven to be fallacious.

Nate Jackson / April 26, 2024

Inflation Up, GDP Down, and Biden Wants to Raise Taxes

Read his lips: Loads of new taxes if he’s reelected.

Jeff Jacoby / April 18, 2024

Happy About Your IRS Refund? Don’t Be

The refunds are nothing more than the belated repayment of interest-free loans.

Cal Thomas / April 16, 2024

A Taxing Time

Our current oppressive tax system can be analogized to Dracula, who is never satisfied with the blood he sucks out of one victim.

Political Editors / April 16, 2024

In Brief: It’s Time to End Automatic Tax Withholding

The practice distances citizens from the financial workings of their government, diluting their sense of participation and oversight.

Stephen Moore / March 20, 2024

Biden’s Tax Plan That Puts America Last

Blue-collar America will pay a large share of the Biden tax hike’s burden.

Caleb Nunes / March 20, 2024

Tax Cuts: A Reappraisal

It is time for conservative dogma surrounding long-celebrated tax-cut policy to be reassessed.

John Stossel / February 28, 2024

Taxation Without Reason

We adjust our lives to satisfy the whims of politicians. They manipulate us with tax rules.

Douglas Andrews / January 26, 2024

Debunking Biden’s ‘Billionaire’ Tax Canard

The president has been telling lies again, and even The Washington Post’s lefty “fact-checker” is calling him on it.

Nate Jackson / January 22, 2024

The Bipartisan Child Tax Credit

A new deal expands the credit, though not as far as Democrats wanted.

Stephen Moore / January 9, 2024

Blue States Just Can’t Stop Taxing

This year, seven blue states are pursuing even higher tax rates on the top 1% of earners.

Nate Jackson / January 3, 2024

What’s a Few Trillion Bucks Among Friends?

Now that the federal debt has topped $34 trillion, it’s time to look ahead to looming tax hikes.

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