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Right Analysis / Douglas Andrews
Douglas Andrews / October 28, 2020

Which Way Will John Roberts Move?

Faced with a 6-3 Supreme Court, the chief justice must decide whether he wants to remain relevant.

Douglas Andrews / October 27, 2020

Scholastic Mag Smears Trump

The longtime classroom reading resource paints the president as a racist in its 2020 election profile.

Douglas Andrews / October 27, 2020

The Media Is All-In on Protecting Joe Biden

By ignoring the plain-as-day corruption within Hunter’s emails, the media has sunk to a new low.

Douglas Andrews / October 26, 2020

Kamala Harris’s Scurrilous Charge

She calls Trump a racist while ignoring the racism on her own ticket.

Douglas Andrews / October 26, 2020

Joe Biden’s Court-Packing Non-Answer

His desire to pack the Supreme Court is a symptom of the Left’s larger disease.

Douglas Andrews / October 23, 2020

Donald Trump Won the Final Debate. Here’s How.

The president did what he had to do, and then some.

Douglas Andrews / October 23, 2020


A brief thought experiment challenges the media’s coverage of the Hunter Biden story.

Douglas Andrews / October 23, 2020

The Dangerous Drift of American Youth

An annual report by an anti-communist organization reveals a disturbing trend.

Douglas Andrews / October 22, 2020

Five Things Trump Needs to Do Tonight

The president has come back in the polls, and tonight’s debate is about maintaining his momentum.

Douglas Andrews / October 22, 2020

Social Media Censors Are Propping Up Joe Biden

If it weren’t for his Big Tech buddies, Biden’s campaign would be deader than Bernie Lomax.

Douglas Andrews / October 21, 2020

The Latest Biden Ad Is the BIG Lie

By honoring our flag only at election time, the Democrats prove they’ll say anything to regain power.

Douglas Andrews / October 21, 2020

The Debate Commission Is Rotten

Chock full of bias and bad ideas, the commission keeps putting its thumb on the scale to help Biden.

Douglas Andrews / October 20, 2020

Media Bias Is a Threat to Our Republic

The censorship of the New York Post’s Hunter Biden story is the gravest encroachment of all.

Douglas Andrews / October 20, 2020

Joe Biden’s Fantasy World

The Democrat nominee has been making stuff up his entire life.

Douglas Andrews / October 19, 2020

Down to the Wire

Not even the Biden camp believes the mainstream media’s sloppy polling.

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