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Right Analysis / Douglas Andrews
Douglas Andrews / October 8, 2020

Trump Shows How to Live With COVID

When he told us not to let it dominate our lives, the president was onto something.

Douglas Andrews / October 8, 2020

State Censors Silence a Trump Supporter

The California Department of Transportation yanks down a pro-Trump sign.

Douglas Andrews / October 7, 2020

Michelle Obama Cries Racism. Again.

The riots were peaceful, says the racially aggrieved former first lady.

Douglas Andrews / October 7, 2020

Joe Biden: Anti-Religious Bigot

The words and actions of the candidate himself make a convincing case against him.

Douglas Andrews / October 6, 2020

Trump Returns to the White House

And leftists couldn’t be more disappointed, bitter, and angry. Still.

Douglas Andrews / October 6, 2020

China Owns the Bidens

When it comes to corruption and foreign influence, few families can match the Bidens.

Douglas Andrews / October 5, 2020

Trump’s COVID Comeback

The president’s remarkable improvement has leftists gnashing their teeth.

Douglas Andrews / October 5, 2020

Michigan’s High Court Slaps Its Governor

Yet she falsely claims she’s being undermined in her efforts to “save lives.”

Douglas Andrews / October 2, 2020

NYT Mocks President and First Lady

In a tasteless display of partisanship, the Times bowed to its baser instincts.

Douglas Andrews / October 2, 2020

Reclaiming Our American History

We’re teaching our children to hate their country, and the results are disastrous.

Douglas Andrews / October 1, 2020

Cops in Black and White

A tale of two killings by cops points to an unsettling disparity.

Douglas Andrews / September 30, 2020

Recap: The (Terrible) First Debate

Train wreck, schoolyard brawl, old men yelling — whatever you call it, it wasn’t pretty.

Douglas Andrews / September 29, 2020

A Biden Debate Primer

If you think tonight’s first debate will be a cakewalk for Donald Trump, think again.

Douglas Andrews / September 29, 2020

The Mysterious BLM Money Machine

Marxists are raising tons of capital, and no one seems to care where it goes.

Douglas Andrews / September 28, 2020

The Confirmation Clock Is Ticking

Trump has his third SCOTUS nominee, and the Democrats have a losing hand.

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