Right Analysis / Emmy Griffin
Emmy Griffin / September 23, 2022

The Trouble With Vanderbilt’s Pediatric Gender Clinic

Matt Walsh exposed it for exploiting and abusing kids, and now VUMC is in cleanup mode.

Emmy Griffin / September 22, 2022

Young American Adults Are Miserable

It’s so obvious that even the Harvard Gazette is talking about it.

Emmy Griffin / September 21, 2022

Life Expectancy and Life Choices

Not only is the U.S. experiencing a birth decline, it is experiencing a decline in life expectancy.

Emmy Griffin / September 20, 2022

Has Canada Lost Its Mind? And Are We Next?

A gender dysphoric teacher wears inappropriate prosthetics and is permitted to continue because of “gender expression” rights.

Emmy Griffin / September 19, 2022

Orthodox Jewish University Forced to Have LGBTQ Club

SCOTUS majority sends the case back to the lower courts to exhaust options.

Emmy Griffin / September 16, 2022

Book Burners Against Smut

“This is America. We don’t ban books,” says Jill Biden. Except…

Emmy Griffin / September 15, 2022

Railroad Unions Bully Weak Biden

A devastating supply chain strike is narrowly averted as the Biden administration claims a hollow victory.

Emmy Griffin / September 14, 2022

Biden’s Terrible Title IX

As public comment runs out, concerned parents plaster the Education Department’s dismal new proposals.

Emmy Griffin / September 13, 2022

Is the U.S. Reliving the ’70s?

We live in interesting times and have come to a fork in the road.

Emmy Griffin / September 12, 2022

The Tyrant Is a Slave to His Own Desires

Thoughts on Plato’s The Republic and current events.

Emmy Griffin / September 9, 2022

AOC 2024?

As a professional victim, the position of chief executive may not be the job for her.

Emmy Griffin / September 8, 2022

Disney Subsidiary’s Antichrist Cartoon

The preview for this “adult cartoon” aired during the LSU-Florida State football game, much to the chagrin of parents.

Emmy Griffin / September 7, 2022

Leftists Want to Destroy the Family

The family is the bedrock of society. Destroy that, and the Left’s communist fever dreams might become reality.

Emmy Griffin / September 6, 2022

Canada’s Medically Assisted Suicide for ‘Mature Minors’

This is part of the slide down the slippery slope toward full-on eugenics.

Emmy Griffin / September 2, 2022

Team Biden Pressures World on Gender ‘Revolution’

Is this unscientific and misery-making ideology really a hill we’re willing to die on?

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