Right Analysis / Emmy Griffin
Emmy Griffin / August 4, 2022

Leftists for Discrimination in College

Woke Democrats and the ACLU file amicus briefs in favor of keeping race as a central factor in college admissions.

Emmy Griffin / August 3, 2022

Pelosi’s Right. Wait … What?

Regardless of our political differences, not caving to ChiCom bullying was the right thing to do.

Emmy Griffin / August 2, 2022

Soros’s Thesis on Why He Supports ‘Reform-Minded’ DAs

We all want justice, but George Soros’s ways of bringing it about are not based in reality.

Emmy Griffin / August 1, 2022

Biden Admin Offers a Bad Prisoner Exchange

Rumors are flying as to a possible swap to bring two U.S. citizens home from their imprisonment in Russia.

Emmy Griffin / July 29, 2022

The State Is Stealing Our Children

Queer Marxism has infiltrated government policy, and non-compliant parents are labeled abusers.

Emmy Griffin / July 28, 2022

Even the NFL Is Leaving Lori Lightfoot’s City

The Bears are the latest franchise to get the heck out of Chicago.

Emmy Griffin / July 27, 2022

Trudeau’s Latest Despotic Dictate, This Time Against Farmers

The world’s climate zealots are refusing to trust the experts or learn from the catastrophic mistakes of others.

Emmy Griffin / July 26, 2022

Depression Likely Not a Chemical Imbalance

A breakthrough study is dismantling a long-held theory.

Emmy Griffin / July 25, 2022

ESPYS’ ‘Best Breakthrough Athlete’ a Shame

An athlete who opted to ski for China and not her homeland of America wins an arbitrary award.

Emmy Griffin / July 22, 2022

Playing Games With Title IX

The changes to Title IX and how they’re applied will continue to range from reasonable to radical depending on who’s sitting in the Oval Office.

Emmy Griffin / July 21, 2022

BLM’s Potential New Martyr Shot Down by Reality

That reality being the mother and children who were actually being victimized.

Emmy Griffin / July 20, 2022

Fired Pro-Life Flight Attendant Awarded $5 Million

“Nobody should be able to retaliate against a flight attendant for engaging in protected speech against her union.”

Emmy Griffin / July 19, 2022

Public Education’s Misplaced Priorities Pushing Parents Away

A new Gallup poll shows that people are losing faith in public schools.

Emmy Griffin / July 18, 2022

Why Should We Care About Brittney Griner?

Her criminal trial in Russia has LeBron James running his mouth.

Emmy Griffin / July 15, 2022

From Killer to Savior

Conversion stories: pro-abortion doctors and a former Planned Parenthood director become pro-life advocates.

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