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July 24, 2024

ICYMI: Biden’s Withdrawal Was Scripted Long Ago

“His decision is … an act of self-sacrifice that places him in the company of George Washington.”

“The spirit of encroachment tends to consolidate the powers of all the departments in one, and thus to create whatever the form of government, a real despotism.” —George Washington (1796)

It’s official: Sunday was National Ice Cream Day!

Oh, and you may have heard that while Joe Biden was napping, his puppeteers decided it would be a great day to drop a social media post saying he was ending his 2024 presidential campaign.

In an announcement posted to X, Biden’s handlers first reminded us of what a great president he has been. You know, except for his long list of disastrous domestic and foreign policy failures. The Biden/Harris regime certainly did not want to run on that record compared with Trump’s exceptional domestic and foreign policy record, an indicator of what then next four years will look like.

The post then noted: “While it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.”

Right … if he makes it to the end of his term. And note the order, “best interest of my party and the country.”

Shortly after announcing his withdrawal, Biden’s handlers then did the only thing they could do on his behalf: They endorsed his sidekick, Kamala Harris. “Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year,” said Biden’s statement. “Democrats — it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this.”

Of course, Biden had already tested positive for “dropping out” two days earlier, then retreated to his Delaware basement. Reportedly, the vaxxed and boosted “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated” President tested positive for the ChiCom Virus.

Predictably, after his announcement he was lauded as the greatest of presidents and a great statesman who fell on his own sword to “save democracy.”

Harris led the pack: “In one term, he has already surpassed the legacy of most presidents who served two terms in office.” Again, if she means their legacy of domestic and foreign policy failures, she is right.

Biden’s spokesparrot, Karine Jean-Pierre, got the memo: “President Biden will go down in history as one of our greatest Presidents. Accomplishing more in 4 years than many accomplished in 8 years. He is also an honorable man. A decent man. And a person who has always put the country first.” Except as noted above, he always puts “party” first.

But my favorites accolades are those from Biden sycophants comparing him to George Washington:

“Joe Biden is precisely the kind of leader George Washington would have hoped for [and] honors George Washington’s example.” —Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY)

“[Like] George Washington…I didn’t have any doubt that Joe would make the patriotic call for the country.” —Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA)

“Like our first president…Biden’s decision to step aside from his reelection run will cement his legacy among some of the greatest statesmen in our country’s history.” —Senator Angus King (I-ME)

“[Biden’s] selfless act this weekend reminds me of what George Washington did when he voluntarily gave up reelection and put country first.” —Congressman Ted Lieu (D-CA)

“[Washington’s legacy] can be President Biden’s legacy as well.” Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA)

And from his Leftmedia publicists:

“His decision is one of the most remarkable acts of leadership in our history, an act of self-sacrifice that places him in the company of George Washington.” —commentator Jon Meacham

“Joe Biden joins George Washington as America’s second Cincinnatus.” —The Hill’s Rebecca Brannon

“He gets to go out as the George Washington of his party.” —NPR’s Mara Liasson

“He will be remembered as a great president. He will be mentioned in the same sentence as George Washington.” —NBC’s Jonathan Alter

Political analyst Jeff Jacoby rebutted the nonsensical comparisons: “In almost every important way, Washington’s decision was the opposite of Biden’s. Most Americans did not want Biden to run again and did not think he could handle the job. For almost the entirety of his presidency, Biden’s approval rating has been underwater. … Give Biden credit for bowing to the inevitable. But the man is no George Washington.”

More to the point, Gov. Ron DeSantis observed: “This notion that the media is trying to peddle that [Biden] is like George Washington refusing power for the good of the country — he had no choice! They were knifing him in the back!”

In fact, there is a far more accurate comparison, and all of those disgracefully invoking George Washington’s name in the same sentence as Biden, know it. Biden’s withdrawal closely mirrors that of Texas Demo Lyndon Johnson in 1968, another deeply unpopular president who presided over disastrous domestic and foreign policies, and withdrew his candidacy ahead of his re-election bid. At least LBJ had enough respect for Demo voters to withdraw before the primaries.

Back to reality…

Republicans are rightly demanding that Biden step down now, given that it is clear he does not have the capacity to govern for the rest of his term.

Furthermore, as we have noted before, there is very visceral concern that if Donald Trump wins in November, or if it appears he will win, global evil-doers will accelerate their aggression in the remaining months under the toothless Biden/Harris regime. Putin may advance further into Ukraine, Iran will amp up its nuclear weapons program, and, of greatest concern, Red China could come across the Taiwan Strait.

Sidebar: Who is actually running the executive branch, and who has access to the football, the nuke codes? We have been asking this question since Biden took office, as did three dozen House Democrats in a formal letter questioning his mental acuity in March of 2021. At the time, Biden’s bumbling, fumbling actions prompted political analyst Charles Hurt to ask, “Can anyone just tell us who the hell is running our federal government right now? … Who is the president of the United States right now?” As political observer Erick Erickson noted this week, “All the people now telling you Harris is awesome are the same people who told you there was nothing wrong with Biden last month.” So again, who the hell is actually running our country today, and for the next six months? That being said, here is a wild card: Biden may resign the presidency after the convention…

Regarding Harris’s role in keeping one of the worst-kept secrets in the history of American politics quiet — that Biden was inept and incompetent — Gov. Ron DeSantis summed up the Republican indictment of her: “Kamala Harris was complicit in a massive coverup to hide and deny the fact that Joe Biden was not capable of discharging the duties of the office. Democrats are just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.”

So, about those deck chairs… Our team’s managing editor, Nate Jackson, is on leave for the next four weeks, a break we wanted to provide him given he just crossed the 20-year mark with The Patriot Post. However, before leaving last Friday, he staked out his position that Biden’s “medical condition” was a layup for his exit before the weekend was out. Moreover, he said he regretted being gone for our Monday staff meeting because I might pull a Hulk Hogan convention move, ripping my shirt off to remind the crew of what I predicted almost 22 months ago: “Biden Will (NOT) Be the Demo Nominee in 2024.”

Yeah, no shirts were ripped, but Nate was right about the weekend withdrawal. I thought Biden would make it to the convention, during which he would take his name out and the delegates would determine his successor.

I suspect Demo strategists’ decision for Biden to stay in until after the primaries but before the DNC convention in Chicago, was calculated to avoided both contested primary convention battles, creating division within the party.

Looking back, when I first asserted in October of ‘22 that Biden would be out and a Big Swap was coming, some readers thought I had taken leave of my senses, resulting in emails over the next 15 months basically saying, “No way; you’re nuts.”

Though I have stood my ground on that assessment every day since then, I have frequently said I hope I am wrong — because I think the Biden/Harris ticket would be the easiest for Donald Trump to defeat.

This week, I have received many inquiries to the effect of, “How did you know?” The short answer is simply a keen sense of the obvious.

Until recently, the mainstream media, both Right and Left, rejected the notion of Biden withdrawing, not because it wasn’t plausible, but because their job is, first and foremost, to endlessly churn speculation in order to sell advertising — yet another reason The Patriot Post is a certified ad-free website.

I have been an analyst in one capacity or another for 45 years, and when it comes to political perspective, I am very deliberate about not immersing myself in any of the endless loops of media churn. Of course, that is what you should expect from a grassroots publication far outside the Beltway media circles.

Consequently, sometimes we can see and say more clearly what the MSM and those stuck in their echo chambers don’t.

Some conservative media outlets claim that six months ago, Trump predicted that Biden would withdraw. I think that Trump and his strategists have been planning on this withdrawal for much longer than that. And despite the preponderance of opinion this week that Biden just succumbed to recent pressure to resign, I think the mechanics of his withdrawal — whom it would be and when — were scripted six to eight months ago.

In other words, millions of Demo primary voters should be, uh, fire-breathing angry for being duped. I mean, Biden spent all but the last three days of the last three years insisting there is no chance he would decline the nomination. Of course, Biden is the consummate “lying dog-faced pony soldier,” and if all those Demos were not predisposed to being duped, they would not be voting Democrat in the first place.

In fact, Demos nullified 14 million primary votes to “secure democracy,” and Harris was out stumping yesterday, insisting her administration will “make sure every vote counts.”

As commentator Ben Shapiro concluded: “Democratic Party bosses and money men tossed out 14 million votes in favor of Joe Biden in the primaries because the polls looked bad. It’s that simple.”

To be clear, Harris will be the nominee, unless she takes herself out, and there’s no way that happens unless she and Hunter Biden have been sharing his White House powder.

Moreover, if she were not the nominee, Demos would have to refund all the money the campaign has raised.

She comes with a ready-made war chest, and because so many BIG Demo donors were withholding their support until Biden departed, in the three days since she became the presumed nominee, they have ponied up more than $230 million.

Biden’s campaign donations plummeted as mega-donors pushed him to quit. But the came roaring back for Kamala.

First and foremost, billionaire leftist George Soros and his son Alex, were quick to endorse Harris and get their big bucks in. Son Alex declared, “Long live the American Dream!”

Of course, all the BIG Demo politicos have endorsed Harris, as have the most notable Demo members of Congress.

All this fanfare aside, inquiring minds want to know: Who brung this post turtle to the dance?

There is an old adage: “If you come across a turtle on a post, you know it didn’t get up there on its own, it doesn’t belong there, its elevated beyond its ability to function, it doesn’t know what to do there, and you gotta wonder what idiot would put it there.”

There are a few folks who are still not sure Harris should be at the dance.

While Bill and Hillary Clinton were quick to endorse Harris, that other “first black president,” Barack Obama, did not endorse Harris, perhaps to keep Michelle O’s constituency intact until SHE gives Harris a glowing endorsement at the convention.

Of course, as you may recall, Obama did previously give Harris his personal endorsement, observing she was “by far, the best-looking attorney general” in the nation. You know, kind of the same category of endorsement Obama got from Biden when the latter described the former as “the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”

(Update: Tho Os finally endorsed Harris: MO said, “My girl Kamala: I am proud of you. This is going to be historic.” BO said, “I couldn’t be prouder to endorse you and do everything we can to get you through this election and into the Oval Office.”)

The New York Times editorial board laments: “[P]arty delegates should have a voice in a decision of this consequence. There are other qualified Democrats who could take on Mr. Trump and win, and picking a candidate without a real contest is how the party got into a position of anointing a standard-bearer that large majorities of Democrats and independents had profound concerns about.”

Perhaps the Times should take a gander at its own delegate map. She has already received the allegiance of more than 3,000 Demo delegates and only needs 1,976 for the nomination.

Moving forward, anyone who assumes Republicans now have the presidency in the bag, as some in conservative echo chambers are predicting, are, well, flat wrong.

Some conservative analysts argue that Harris is the opponent Trump wanted, but as I noted previously, the Biden/Harris ticket was an easier dispatch. With Biden’s “non compos mentis” factor now removed from the equation, that will more than offset concerns about Harris. Thus, I think Trump’s election prospects just got steeper.

Despite the fact Trump currently holds a slight polling lead against Harris, I expect Harris will gain ground in the coming weeks ahead of her DNC coronation. Whether she can hold that ground after the convention, we will see.

The unmitigated fear and hatred of Trump, which Biden/Harris have masterfully cultivated, will keep most Demos in Harris’s voting line.

The election will come down to decisions in the swing states and how effective the Democrats’ massive bulk-mail ballot fraud strategy works this time around.

But as political analyst Byron York notes: “There’s a reason Harris rose in the [2020] race and a reason she fell. The short version is that, for Democratic voters, Harris seemed appealing when she first started her campaign, and then they liked her less and less as they got to know her. Familiarity with the candidate killed her hopes.”

(BTW, there is obvious speculation on who will be Harris’s VP. I think, given that undermining the Second Amendment will be a big part of her campaign, I think she will choose Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ), former astronaut and Navy pilot, and husband of former Rep. Gabby Giffords, seriously injured in an armed attack.)

Next up, a column with my assessment of Harris’s qualifications.

Spoiler alert: It ain’t gonna be pretty!

Finally, in the same vein as not getting caught up in all the media churn, don’t let them control the narrative.

This is not about Joe Biden or Kamala Harris; it is about the pervasive threat posed by the socialist Democrat Party to American Liberty.

As political observer Dennis Prager notes: “I have never understood why Republicans always concentrate their fire on their Democratic opponent while ignoring virtually any mention of the threat posed by the Democratic Party and the Left. … ‘The destructive, dangerous Democratic Party has to go.’ That should be — and should have been for decades — the message of every Republican candidate for every office in the land.”

PS: Don’t you dare ask if Kamala Harris is actually constitutionally eligible to be president. Yes, Harris’s citizenship status when born is not clear, giving rise to that pesky question, but the leftist so-called “fact-checkers” will b*tch-slap you into the next universe for asking. However, the question about her citizenship is much more legitimate than what I always considered to be the spurious questions about Obama’s citizenship. But who pays attention to the fallacious errancy of so-called “Birthright Citizenship” these days…

Footnote: Since Harris is hiding behind the Leftmedia curtain, refusing interviews and having her few economic proposals panned by both left and right side analysts, the RNC launched a website listing Harris’s policy record.

Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776

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