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December 5, 2023

Reader Comments

Observations on the week’s analysis and commentary.

Publisher’s Note: We review all comments and appreciate your response. We select a few that sharpen the understanding on a topic. If you would like to leave a comment, you will find a “Comment” button at the bottom of every article on our website.

Re: Do Americans Love Guns More Than Life?

“There are more than enough gun laws, regulations, requirements, and restrictions in place that cover any and all firearm offenses. Since most homicides are committed by criminal elements that use illegally obtained firearms, I would ask: Why doesn’t the anti-gun Left go out and confiscate all of these firearms first? We don’t need any additional legislation, as it already exists. If this act of law enforcement is too heavy of a lift, then why would they even consider disarming law-abiding citizens who are hardly ever the problem?” —New York

“‘Protect Kids, Not Guns’ is pretty ironic considering the number of those wealthy white suburban voters who favor the slaughtering of babies from conception until birth. And despite their dainty horror of guns, I doubt any of them have unarmed security guards protecting their property from the criminals whom their elected officials like to keep setting free so they can continue to prey on society.” —Pennsylvania

Re: Democrats Have a Real Problem With Israel

“It really does leave a bad taste in one’s mouth to say ‘Chuck Schumer is right.’ Then again, it’s rarely necessary. But while Biden dithers over what he can say to decent folk about massacred Israeli women and children that won’t alienate the virulent pro-terrorist wing of his party, you have to wonder why he’s said NOTHING about the 30+ American noncombatants who were killed by the Hamas terrorists or those who remain hostage. There was a time when Americans could walk confidently all over the world, secure in the knowledge that their government would wreak terrible vengeance on any government or group that dared harm them. Whether it’s playground bullies or foreign governments, it’s always the same: weakness invites aggression.” —Georgia

Re: #MeToo Unless You’re a Jew

“All mental retards blame the Jews for their own refusal to take care of their own problems. Israel has never started a war, but it has finished every single one. FACT: Hamas are baby killers and rapists. Also, like all terrorists, they hide like gutless trash in hospitals and people’s homes and dare the opponents to attack, as they know their opponents are soft. Well, not anymore. Those protesters are Hamas disciples, not Palestinian residents.” —Arizona

Re: The Not-So-Great Debate: DeSantis Wallops Newsom

“I like DeSantis. He’s smart with good leadership skills. I understand why people are behind Trump. I have to believe the support for Trump has far more to do with the attacks from the Democrats than his actual governing ability. I also think the Democrats are scared that if the focus changes from Trump, DeSantis would get a real shot at the presidency. The government would vastly change and DeSantis would clear the swamp of unelected bureaucrats. Trump had the opportunity and that didn’t happen. I am watching and waiting and praying.” —Wisconsin

Re: Why Don’t Americans Want to Fight for America?

“I served 21 years. I would not join today, and I discourage people from joining as well for the same reasons outlined: ignominious retreat/‘withdrawal’ in Afghanistan, forcing non-FDA-approved shots on the military, and Marxist/socialist propaganda forced on soldiers (DEI, CRT, etc.). Why would ANYONE join now? I’d fight on the side that would fight against socialism/communism, not for them.” —Virginia

Re: Auto Dealers Tell Biden Americans Don’t Want EVs

“Three experienced, successful car dealers, independently within the past two weeks, said that the EV is a colossal mistake. Each said that oil is a strategic commodity, and the construction of EVs will wreck the world and the grid system, providing nothing but profits for the Chinese and the ruination of America.” —Massachusetts

Re: A Transfer of Power

“Superb articles by Linda Moss Mines on our American history. I’ve been following these historical writings since you began. These articles are excellent for school children for classroom or library use. It’s been many years since I was a student in a school setting, but I’ve been a student of history ever since that first introduction. I’ve passed your article on to a family member (retired teacher) and a fellow classmate of years past. Thank you, Patriot Post, for printing these articles for our reading.” —California

Re: Employee of the Month

“Ron, thank you. I’m looking forward to meeting you and thanking you in person. While I do not see this event to be likely during my remaining time in the flesh, I look forward to meeting you in His holy presence, where we will join singing (finally, I’ll be able to sing without shame or fear of offending anyone!) praises to Him forevermore.
Until then, keep writing, and I pray God’s richest blessings upon you. Merry Christmas.” —Missouri

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