What Is a Seahorse Dad?
How to turn a normal part of life into a circus freak show, transgender style.
The Tale of the Modern Bearded Lady
There has always been a fascination for the novel and abnormal. That’s why traveling circuses would have “freaks” that the curious public would line up to see. Newspapers also would employ such sensationalism when trying to entice gullible readers to buy their wares.
Sadly, our modern bearded ladies aren’t generally the product of genetic anomalies or circus makeup. Rather, they are the product of medical manipulation and a toxic gender ideology.
Modern news outlets are also guilty of such sensationalism, but in the New York Post’s case, the story was more sad than sensational. The Post — ostensibly a conservative news outfit — titled it, “Trans man who had mastectomy discovered to be 5 months pregnant, making rare ‘seahorse dad’.” What? Does this mean a man got pregnant? No. Sadly, the media is sensationalizing a mentally ill woman who was in the process of dissecting herself and had to stop because she couldn’t remove her uterus due to it already being occupied.
The New York Post not only declared this woman a man, which was disproven by the very fact she was bearing a child, but it also called her a “seahorse dad.” In other words, the Post attempted to turn a perfectly natural human event — a woman being pregnant — into a freak show. It’s particularly exploitative because the woman is not in her right mind, and the child she is carrying has been subjected to the mother’s medical manipulation and doctor-approved drug abuse.
The icing on the cake, for the media at least, is that this woman is breaking a glass ceiling in Italy, where there have been no other cases quite like hers. Is she really breaking a glass ceiling though? She is a woman who is five months pregnant after conceiving a baby by the normal process of intercourse with an actual man. The only novelty is that she is going through a “gender transition” and horribly disarranging her body.
Five Months Gestation Is Far Into a Pregnancy
Besides making sensation out of the routine, there are several issues with this story. The woman in question is five months pregnant, which is over halfway through pregnancy; it’s hard to imagine that the mother had no idea. In a healthy pregnancy, at five months you can feel the baby moving and generally are showing a little bump. The fact that the Post’s story very quickly glosses over the fact that the mother was in the process of having her uterus removed when the pregnancy was discovered is highly suspect.
The story then goes on to quote an endocrinologist who advises that too much testosterone could have dire effects on the baby’s organ development in the first trimester and that the “trans man” should stop taking hormone replacement. This is a particularly baffling statement because, again, five months is well into the second trimester. Was this a lost-in-translation moment for journalists? Or was it written by a person who has no idea about the process and order of pregnancy?
After laying out the plight of the woman undergoing self-mutilation and hormone manipulation, the next predictable segue for the story was abortion. Was there a possibility for this gender-confused woman not to face the setback of her “transition” by simply getting rid of the baby? The Post quickly explains that, in Italy, you cannot get an abortion beyond 90 days (first trimester). There are exceptions to that rule, which include fetal birth defects or the health or life of the mother who is at risk. This woman was far beyond that and hopefully has a healthy baby growing inside her.
Final Thoughts
Posting an article about a gender-confused woman discovering herself to be significantly pregnant is a modern-day attempt to turn the routine facts of life into a circus sideshow, along with a healthy mixture of victimitis thrown in. Certainly, the woman is now a victim — one of media exploitation and of a medical team that encouraged her gender confusion in the first place. And while it’s unfortunate, conservative readers should be vigilant on blue state-based websites like Fox News and the New York Post, where money-making clickbait and sometimes even social liberalism are promoted to the masses.