DeSantis Boots Climate Cultism From Government
The Florida governor recently signed legislation that removes “climate change” from official consideration by state government agencies.
The radical Left climate cultists have had their way in forcing their green religion onto much of the nation. Extremist terms like “climate change” and “carbon footprint” have become so common that many don’t even realize they are being manipulated into a cultist worldview.
As Greenpeace cofounder Patrick Moore, a critic of modern climate change alarmism, observes, these climate change cultists are effectively anti-human. Human flourishing is not their objective; rather, it’s furthering their earth-worshiping agenda, which ironically does not actually benefit the earth, let alone humanity.
One need look no further than Joe Biden’s own green energy agenda to see this reality at play. Biden has ridiculously gone to war against fossil fuels, all in the name of “fighting climate change.” Of course, there is no actual, quantifiable data to support the administration’s pie-in-the-sky claims regarding the supposed impact his green policies will have on the global climate. Indeed, the only reason the U.S. has seen its carbon emissions decrease over the last couple of decades is due to fossil fuels, specifically clean-burning natural gas.
But it’s the narrative that matters, not the facts, as climate change alarmism is preached as if it were incontrovertible truth.
Thus, there is predictable blowback when a bold and forward-thinking leader like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis calls foul over the dubious alarmism surrounding climate change. On the campaign trail back in 2018, DeSantis declared: “I’m not in the pews of the church of the global warming leftists. I’m just not.” Can we get an “amen”?
However, more than merely exposing the fraudulent agenda behind the climate change cult, DeSantis and his fellow Republicans have acted to reverse the cult’s continued promulgation throughout the Sunshine State’s government.
Recently, DeSantis signed into law three bills to remove this alarmism from the state’s government. As DeSantis explained, “The legislation I signed today [will] keep windmills off our beaches, gas in our tanks, and China out of our state.” He added: “We’re restoring sanity in our approach to energy and rejecting the agenda of the radical green zealots. Furthermore, we’re going to ensure foreign adversaries like China have no foothold in our state.”
The new law, HB 1645, which goes into effect on July 1, removes climate change alarmist ideology from government consideration in decision-making, specifically regarding energy generation. This means that when it comes to decisions regarding state agencies purchasing products, they will no longer be required to be “climate-friendly,” nor will rented meeting spaces have to meet some “green lodging” requirement.
DeSantis has long noted what many conservatives have pointed out regarding the climate change agenda: that it is really not about the climate at all. Instead, it’s about top-down government control. As DeSantis observed last year, Biden’s climate policies are “part of an agenda to control you and to control our behavior.” Exactly.
Meanwhile, Leftmedia outlets have ridiculed both DeSantis and Florida’s Republican-led legislature for this action against climate alarmism. The Washington Post’s headline is telling: “DeSantis signs bill scrubbing ‘climate change’ from Florida law.” And its subhead is even more so: “Climate advocates said the bill is a bid for national attention from a Republican governor eager to use global warming as a culture war issue.” While the Leftmedia outlet clutches its pearls, the headline is actually quite accurate. DeSantis has been a leader in taking on the Left, meeting it in the trenches over the major culture war issues that threaten Americans’ freedoms.
The Biden climate agenda has proven costly and crippling to the economy and Americans’ freedom to make their own choices. Energy costs have soared thanks to Biden, and so has the cost of vehicles, thanks to his de facto EV mandate.
DeSantis has done the opposite of what the radical Left has done, which is to use the power of government to force its ideological views onto the American public. Thankfully, DeSantis has been quite effective in meeting and beating the Left, and in doing so, he’s showing other Republican governors how to do the same.