August 9, 2024

Camo Kamala Keeps on Hiding

The Democrats’ candidate is doing her best to avoid answering questions, and the mainstream media is playing right along.

If, as songwriter Tom Lehrer once said, satire died when Henry Kissinger won the Nobel Peace Prize, then its corpse was surely revivified this week when the Harris-Walz campaign began selling camo caps.

After all, what could be more American than a woodlands ball cap? And what could be less American than the undemocratically determined candidacy of a Bay Area progressive of Jamaican-Indian descent who grew up in Canada and whose ancestors were slaveowners, coupled with that of a deployment-dodging, valor-thieving, China-loving blowhard who dithered for three days before sending in the National Guard while Minneapolis burned — and only then, as state senators pointed out, after having asked whether the Guardsmen had undergone “diversity and inclusion training”?

Put more briefly, it’s baseball, hot dogs, apple pie … and Marxism.

Kamala Harris was “endorsed” by Joe Biden on July 21, concurrent with his, ahem, decision to drop out of the presidential race. And she secured the Democrat nomination on August 5, naming fellow lefty Tampon Tim Walz as her running mate a day later. But until yesterday, she hadn’t taken so much as a single substantive question from the media, even going so far as to use children as human shields to keep reporters away.

And yesterday, when she did deign to take questions, she only did so for 77 seconds before boarding Air Force Two on the way to a question-free, teleprompter-driven campaign stop in Arizona. When asked about maybe possibly granting a friendly interview about, you know, her plans for the presidency of the United States, she said: “I’ve talked to my team. I want us to get an interview scheduled before the end of the month.”

Before the end of the month. That’s August 31. In the swing state of North Carolina, absentee ballots are being mailed out September 6. But, hey, she sat for an interview on June 24, so what’s all the fuss?

Donald Trump, on the other hand, thinks the American people deserve to hear and weigh the differences between his candidacy and hers, between his record and hers. “I think it’s very important to have debates,” he said yesterday during a lengthy presser at Mar-a-Lago. “And we’ve agreed with Fox on a date of September 4. We’ve agreed with NBC, fairly full agreement, subject to them, on September 10, and we’ve agreed with ABC on September 25.”

Waiting on you, Kamala.

Even the trucklings at The New York Times have noticed Harris’s refusal to answer questions, writing, “Aides to Ms. Harris argue that in a fractured media landscape, where trust in traditional news outlets has fallen, their most effective voter outreach comes from alternative venues like TikTok and their own social media platforms.”

Kamala Harris would like nothing more than to stick to the teleprompter and run out the clock. Call it the Basement 2.0 strategy. And call her cackling Kamala, the camo chameleon.

Think about it: For more than a week, the media interrogated JD Vance over a three-year-old throwaway comment about childless cat ladies. (Here, we should note that Harris is indeed childless but is not a cat lady. As near as we can tell.) And yet no one in that same media thinks her myriad flip-flops — on fracking, on guns, on immigration, on Medicare for all — are worth asking about.

Folks, Momala interviews with cupcakey Drew Barrymore aren’t serious, and they aren’t going to cut it.

All of this comes just 10 days ahead of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, where Harris will be heralded as a modern-day mix of Joan of Arc and Maggie Thatcher, but with the warmth and compassion of Mother Teresa.

You wait. Just watch.

An unnamed source close to the Harris campaign told Politico recently, “What is the incentive for her [to take more questions]? She’s getting out exactly the message she wants to get out.”

Indeed she is, and it’s not at all healthy for an informed electorate or a robust republic. As columnist David Harsanyi writes:

Not one journalist in the corporate or legacy media has explained how Biden’s obvious senility could turn from a democracy-corroding MAGA misinformation operation into an accepted reality in a single day. If they were fooled for three years, how can we trust them? If they weren’t fooled, and they didn’t tell us, how can we trust them?

The establishment scribes on the Wall Street Journal editorial board are no fans of Donald Trump, but at least they understand the game that the Harris campaign has been playing. Perhaps, too, they understand the vacuousness of Kamala Harris herself, especially when it comes to American leadership in a dangerous world. “Donald Trump often shoots from the hip on these subjects,” they write, “and his favorable comments about dictators are witless. But his first-term record, especially on Iran and the Middle East, is far stronger than the Biden-Harris performance. Americans shouldn’t have to read tea leaves to figure out if Ms. Harris would keep the country safe in a treacherous world.”

What’s Harris’s plan for ending the war in Ukraine? For restoring Middle East peace? For dealing with the world-dominating designs of Communist China? Low-information Democrat voters might not give a hoot about any of these topics, but thoughtful Americans do.

And they deserve better than Kamala Harris’s laughable camo caps and her cowardly avoidance of legitimate questions.

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