Biden’s ChiCom Climate Connections
Evidence of his interactions with Hunter’s business patrons brings the climate agenda into focus.
The Left’s radical climate agenda is green on the outside and red on the inside — red as in the color of communism. The only good news about that costly agenda is that some on the Left complain about Joe Biden’s failure to implement it fully. The bad news is that he still did a lot of economic damage with his green religion, and there’s a connection with his red ChiCom corruption.
I’ll start with China. The world’s biggest polluter has zero interest in restraining its own growth to appease Westerners who belong to the climate cult. That doesn’t mean Xi Jinping and the rest of the Chinese Communist Party aren’t perfectly willing to cash in on the cultish fervor of Western ecofascists. On the one hand, many of these hypocrites live in luxurious, energy-hogging homes and fly private jets all over the world to harangue the hoi polloi about their emissions. On the other hand, the climate warriors have managed to get Western countries to buy an awful lot of Chinese-made solar panels and windmills.
It’s beyond ironic that the communists are getting rich by exploiting the supposed capitalists’ dedication to communist utopian vision, but Xi and Co. are laughing all the way to the bank.
Once a minor player in the climate game, China is making huge inroads into the electric vehicle “market” — a term I use advisedly given mandates from Western governments. China also now manufactures 60% of the world’s wind turbines and produces an astonishing 90% of the global supply of the polysilicon used to make solar panels. In May, Biden was supposedly so upset about the latter fact that he announced 50% tariffs on Chinese solar cells.
That’s all done with a wink and a nod, however. You see, the Biden family made millions of dollars in China, thanks to the now-pardoned Hunter Biden’s shameless sale of Joe Biden’s influential position as vice president.
That brings me to evidence that Biden lied about his ChiCom connections. Over the Christmas break, thanks to Freedom of Information Act requests, the National Archives released never-before-seen pictures of Joe and Hunter with the younger Biden’s Chinese benefactors.
Joe Biden repeatedly insisted he “never” interacted with Hunter’s foreign patrons and had “never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.” As the kids say these days, “Pictures or it didn’t happen.” Well, now we have the pictures proving it did happen.
The New York Post’s Michael Goodwin wrote, “Central to this picture of a sprawling scam was the 2013 China trip where Hunter flew with his vice-president father on Air Force Two and returned with a huge investment from a Chinese bank. Apparently we were supposed to believe the father never asked the son, ‘Hey, what are you doing on my plane and why are you going to China?’”
Unlike the Bidens, pictures from that trip don’t lie.
To bring this story full circle, let’s get back to the climate agenda. “Joe Biden spent the first half of his presidency enacting plans to steer at least $1.6 trillion to transform the economy and spur a clean-energy revolution — only to watch those programs become afterthoughts in the 2024 election,” Politico laments. “Now the core of his domestic legacy stands unfinished, with hundreds of billions of dollars left to deploy, and imperiled as Donald Trump prepares to take office.”
Indeed, Biden is leaving a lot of promises about EV charging stations and broadband Internet unfulfilled, with billions of dollars in grift unaccounted for.
What does that have to do with China? Well, as Biden prepares to depart on permanent vacation, he’s giving major climate-related gifts to the Chinese, and that’s one part ideological dedication and one part “thanks for the family business.”
Biden has increased America’s emissions-cutting commitments per the Paris Agreement, including helping California implement its EV mandates. One way to reduce U.S. emissions is to have China produce them on our behalf by making the stuff we use to maintain the farce. Take EV mandates, for example. As the Heritage Foundation’s Diana Furchtgott-Roth notes, “Biden’s actions would require purchases of additional Chinese-made renewables and batteries, as well as critical minerals.” China doesn’t care nearly as much as the Biden EPA does about the pollution generated by mining or producing said material.
To tie it all up in a bow, the Biden family profited handsomely from the Chinese, and Biden’s parting actions include returning the favor by making sure the Chinese cash in on the American Left’s obsession with climate change. While the Chinese corner the market on climate, American consumers will get less choice even as they subsidize Chinese industry with tax dollars. Meanwhile, the Bidens get to retire to a beach somewhere with a lot of green from the Reds.
It’s enough to make anyone see red.