Time to Embrace Consequence Culture for the Left
Grassroots Patriots have some tools to fight cancel culture that are unused.
When grassroots Patriots have called out the online mobs for trying to get celebrities like Gina Carano fired, some have responded that it’s part of “consequence culture” — reminding us of the old saying that actions have consequences. Well, that’s fine and dandy, since there are plenty of consequences that the Left and the Beltway Establishment wing of the Republican Party need to face. After all, we should have one set of rules for everybody, right?
For instance, let’s look at the long track record of the Left pushing lies about Republicans being the latest equivalent of Nazis and/or the Ku Klux Klan who were scheming to impose a new version of Jim Crow via so-called “voter suppression” — which is really an effort to prevent the repeat of the bulk-mail ballots that turned 2020 into chaos. The denial of the consequences of these lies among the pundit class — at least outside of Dennis Prager — has been appalling.
The problem is that the lack of pushback against those lies from many of those who sought to lead the Republican Party means there is a good chance that many fellow Americans, including those who count votes in Democrat strongholds, may honestly believe that today’s Republicans, conservatives, and grassroots Patriots are really the next iteration of Nazis/Klansmen. There are consequences for the false tying of conservatives/Republicans to these icons of evil from history. It doesn’t stop at discrimination against conservatives.
Prager raises the possibility that those who bought the lie that Republicans are Nazis who colluded with Russia may very well have felt a moral obligation to defeat President Donald Trump’s reelection by any means necessary, including “fortifying” an election, or as many Trump supporters view it, cheating. If leftists want to claim Trump’s use of a not-so-scientific term for COVID-19 causes hate crimes, then why shouldn’t their lies about Republicans and conservatives also have consequences?
Furthermore, as we asked earlier, if they really see grassroots Patriots as al-Qaida, as some left-wing “national security experts” quoted by The Root do, can we really assume that people okay with dropping bombs on political opponents would not be willing to unleash a flood of bulk-mail ballots while degrading safeguards against fraud? Would they oppose the tactics of New York’s Cuomo-James regime against the NRA — which has conveniently been labeled a domestic terrorist organization, by the way? Would it not be okay to use something akin to Operation Choke Point to squelch conservative media or alternative social media sites like Gab?
In a very real sense, grassroots Patriots already imposed consequences on the Left and the establishment for a long list of failures and abuses — they backed Donald Trump over many other candidates, some with good track records, as a form of political chemotherapy.
Another consequence of the Left’s words and the establishment’s reaction (or lack thereof) is the changed mindset emerging on the Right. By falsely tying Republicans, conservatives, and grassroots Patriots to some of history’s biggest exemplars of evil, the Left has made it easier for otherwise decent people to justify departing from the norms — even to the abuse of power. After all, loyal Patriot Post reader, to paraphrase Prager’s question, how far would you be willing to go to keep Nazis, Klansmen, and domestic terrorists who are colluding with Russia from gaining power in this country?
In addition to raising that question, grassroots Patriots, conservatives, and Republicans are denying the Left the benefit of the doubt. They’re willing to presume the worst about the actions of the Left (actions that seem to reflect the principles of totalitarian regimes), and they’re willing to take measures to protect their fortunes, their liberties, and even their lives from an abusive Left, including demanding action against the redlining of conservatism.
Leftists are talking “consequence culture” as a justification for their usual abuses and disregard for the First Amendment. Grassroots Patriots need to fight back and hold leftists accountable for their words and actions — and demand that those who seek to lead or speak for the cause of Liberty do the same.