Biden’s Rainbow Moment
While proclaiming “unity” and a victory for “love” against “hate,” the president sided with the most hateful people in America.
“I pledge to be a president who seeks not to divide, but to unify,” Joe Biden said in his “unifying” inaugural address. He even pointed to Scripture in a nod to his supposed Catholic faith: “The Bible tells us that to everything there is a season — a time to build, a time to reap, a time to sow, and a time to heal. This is the time to heal in America.”
Well, on Tuesday, he trashed both the Bible and unity by signing the so-called “Respect for Marriage Act” and then lighting up the White House in rainbow colors. The God Biden claims to believe in established marriage when He created Adam and Eve. (He also created the rainbow for an entirely different purpose, but that’s another story.) Yet just like Biden disregards the sanctity of life, he couldn’t care less about the Creator’s definition of marriage, or about the religious liberty of those who object to being forced to affirm its redefinition. Some Catholic.
Politically, Biden has done nothing but violate his pledge to unify Americans. In fact, his record of division is appalling. He added to that disgraceful pattern yesterday by celebrating the signing of this law while surrounding himself with hundreds of Rainbow Mafia activists, including drag queens. Those individuals have nothing to do with marriage but are there to generate enthusiasm on his side and to provoke the other side to anger.
Marti G. Cummings, one of Biden’s invited drag queens, has an incredibly sordid history, including grooming young children. Cummings is a metaphor for the entire movement of gender-confused people, who desperately hope to fill the nagging hole in their own souls by recruiting others to join their cause.
The president defended the groomers. We don’t just need this marriage law, he insisted, “We need to challenge the hundreds of callous and cynical laws introduced in the states targeting transgender children, terrifying families, and criminalizing doctors who give children the care they need.” Just who is “targeting” children with this stuff? Could it be the people immensely profiting from a whole new industry of “sex change” therapy and surgery?
Generally speaking, Biden couldn’t have been more oblivious. “Today is a good day,” he said. “A day America takes a vital step toward equality, for liberty and justice, not just for some, but for everyone. Toward creating a nation where decency, dignity, and love are recognized, honored, and protected.”
Ahem, decency? Dignity? Did he take a look at those drag queens?
On that subject, it’s worth noting that Biden’s flamboyant cross-dressing nonbinary nuclear official was just fired for repeated incidents of theft. Maybe diversity hires aren’t always the best idea.
To be sure, we’re now in a minority. A number of Republicans voted for the new marriage law because public opinion on the issue has completely flipped over the last decade or so. That’s because Democrats shifted their branding from only civil rights and equality, which gave a whiff of stealing valor, as it were, from blacks who fought for civil rights based on their actual identity and not their behavior. Additionally and primarily, Democrats adopted the “love wins” canard, as if anytime two people love each other, they ought to be able to slap a marriage label on it. They claimed discrimination whenever people didn’t agree.
By the way, we suspect Clarence Thomas’s marriage to Ginni, who is white, is what led to an extra tweak in this legislation — protecting interracial marriage. Democrats cast as wide a net as they could.
In some ways, we suppose we should commend Congress for actually passing legislation on something rather than leaving it to the courts or the president. Too bad it’s this issue. Marriage became critical for Democrats when Clarence Thomas, in helping to overturn Roe, indicated that the Court also “should reconsider” Obergefell, which legalized same-sex marriage federally.
It is true that if overturning Obergefell meant some number of marriages were no longer legal, it would lead to serious chaos and civil upheaval. In any case, the marriage horse is now out of the barn, but that doesn’t mean we can’t lament the fact or that Congress put religious objectors in legal jeopardy.
Leftists have long relied on the courts to enact things they couldn’t pass legislatively, unconstitutionally passing the buck to the wrong branch of government. Barack Obama and Joe Biden — and, to be fair, Donald Trump — greatly expanded that practice to executive orders.
Congress is the preeminent branch of government and should not be abdicating its authority and power to the other branches. So, an unenthusiastic half-cheer for at least getting that part right.
Finally, back to the subject of love and hate, Biden asserted, “This law and the love it defends strike a blow against hate in all its forms.” The truth is the most hateful people in this country right now are the Rainbow Mafia thugs who silence anyone who holds a millennia-old biblically based view of marriage and sexuality. That more people don’t see that clearly is one of the great deceptions of our time.