Right Analysis   /   Foreign Policy
Nate Jackson / May 7, 2018

John Kerry Goes Nuclear, Secretly Negotiates With Iran

He’s actively working to undermine Trump to save a horrible deal in which he has a personal stake.

National Security Desk / April 30, 2018

Status Quo on Iran Won’t Do

The next sanctions review is looming, and Europe is pressuring Trump to cave.

Thomas Gallatin / April 27, 2018

Korean Leaders Meet, Trump Expresses Guarded Hope

Kim Jong-un reiterates willingness to denuclearize and end hostilities with South Korea and the U.S.

Nate Jackson / April 23, 2018

Kim’s Latest Olive Branch: No More Nuclear Tests

Notably, however, he stopped short of saying North Korea would dismantle its nuclear arsenal.

Thomas Gallatin / April 18, 2018

Trump Makes Progress on North Korea

CIA Director Mike Pompeo lays groundwork for a Trump-Kim summit on denuclearization.

Harold Hutchison / April 13, 2018

Trump Using Pompeo Pick to Leverage Putin

One can acknowledge that Putin is a strong leader while at the same time denouncing his actions.

Michael Swartz / April 6, 2018

Is Chaos the New World Order?

As Trump faces Russia, China and North Korea, his strategy is to shake things up quite a bit.

Thomas Gallatin / April 4, 2018

China Tariffs: More Moves and Counter Moves

Beijing aims to hurt Trump politically as it seeks to force him to back off his demand for fair trade.

Thomas Gallatin / March 28, 2018

NoKo Puppet Summoned to Beijing

In the latest chess move, China confirms Kim Jong-un’s secret meeting with President Xi Jingping.

Thomas Gallatin / March 27, 2018

After Trump’s Tariffs, China Wants to Deal

Rather than igniting a trade war, it looks like Beijing is motivated to negotiate. Art of the deal?

Political Editors / March 27, 2018

Trump Plays Putin With Expulsion of Diplomats

The U.S. expels 60 Russian diplomats for poisoning ex-spy in the UK. It’s a shot across the bow.

Louis DeBroux / March 21, 2018

America Must Act Now to Thwart Putin’s Aggression

Putin has won another six-year term, but there are things Trump can do to counter his growing power.

Political Editors / March 20, 2018

Trump Targets China With Tariffs

He seeks to hit back at China’s government-sanctioned theft of American companies’ intellectual property.

Lewis Morris / March 14, 2018

Tillerson Had to Go, and Pompeo Is an Upgrade

Trump is reorganizing his foreign policy team ahead of a possible meeting with North Korea.

Thomas Gallatin / March 9, 2018

China Extends NoKo Nuke Olive Branch

Trump’s tariff announcement may have more to do with North Korea’s sudden change of heart than sanctions.

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