Right Analysis   /   Foreign Policy
Brian Mark Weber / March 9, 2018

Foreign Aid Often Hurts More Than Helps

When these corrupt regimes are flush with American cash, it’s no wonder that so many poor nations fail to prosper.

Thomas Gallatin / March 9, 2018

South Africa Descends Into Reverse Apartheid

Parliament votes to confiscate land from white farmers without compensation all in the name of “social justice.”

Thomas Gallatin / March 7, 2018

Is North Korea Really Willing to Denuclearize? Nope.

Kim Jong-un plays up a positive image as he seeks to exploit South Korea and gain sanctions relief.

Political Editors / March 3, 2018

Putin Goes Nuclear

His blusterous threats are as much about Russian domestic politics as they are a threat to the U.S.

Political Editors / February 27, 2018

Next in a Long Line of Chinese Dictators

Xi Jingping is seeking to make himself president for life, and the implications are huge.

National Security Desk / January 31, 2018

Kerry, Flynn and the Logan Act

Former Secretary of State John Kerry may have recently interfered with Middle East peace talks.

Nate Jackson / January 25, 2018

‘America First’ Visits Europe

Trump heads to Davos to make the case that prosperity matters and that “America first is not America alone.”

National Security Desk / January 22, 2018

What Trump Should Really Do With Iran

U.S. policy should be to apply maximum pressure on Iran with the goal of changing Iran’s government.

Political Editors / January 11, 2018

North Korea’s Real Olympic Goal

Kim is angling to ease economic sanctions without losing face, all while feeding national pride.

Arnold Ahlert / January 4, 2018

Will Democrats Run Against Peace and Prosperity in 2018?

They can’t support Trump’s position on Iran or economic growth. So that leaves opposition.

National Security Desk / January 2, 2018

Time to Stand With Iran’s People

Protests in Iran continue as millions of Iranian men and woman stand up to a regime that is feared, hated and distrusted.

Thomas Gallatin / December 22, 2017

Haley Rebukes the UN for Rebuking U.S. and Israel

The ambassador warned the UN not to expect Americans to “pay for the privilege of being disrespected.”

Brian Mark Weber / December 8, 2017

Jerusalem Matters as a Promise Kept

Democrats and Republicans alike have supported it for decades … until Trump is the one acting.

Political Editors / December 7, 2017

Peace Through Jerusalem

Trump not only kept a promise but did what three previous presidents refused to do for our ally.

Political Editors / December 6, 2017

Trump Pulls U.S. Out of UN Migration Deal

The Global Compact on Migration would have threatened U.S. sovereignty rights.

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