Right Analysis   /   Free Speech
Political Editors / July 10, 2024

No Remedy for Censorship

Murthy v. Missouri is probably the worst speech decision in American history.

Nate Jackson / July 2, 2024

Justices Punt on Redlining of Free Speech

Florida and Texas tried to stop Big Tech censorship, but the Supreme Court sent the case back to lower courts.

Hans von Spakovsky / June 28, 2024

Americans’ Right to Speak Suffers a Body Blow From Supreme Court

The Murthy decision is the most recent case to reach the Supreme Court only to be turned back for lack of standing.

Thomas Gallatin / June 27, 2024

Supreme Court Shirks Protecting Free Speech

The justices avoided ruling against the Biden administration and its blatant actions to censor speech on social media platforms.

Nate Jackson / May 31, 2024

NRA Prevails in Free Speech Case … for Now

A unanimous Supreme Court smacked down a NY bureaucrat for trampling the First Amendment.

Nate Jackson / May 9, 2024

Please Stand By for More Government Censorship

A senator and the FBI confirm that while the Supreme Court deliberates, Big Tech and Big Gov’t are talking again.

Nate Jackson / May 3, 2024

Suppressing Free Speech Is Not the Anti-Semitism Solution

Combatting bigotry is a great idea, but the best way to do that is with more, not less, free speech.

Emmy Griffin / May 2, 2024

Speech-Squelching Woke Scottish Leader Resigns

He planted the seeds of his own demise with an attack on free speech that splendidly backfired.

Thomas Gallatin / March 20, 2024

Big Tech, Biden, and Free Speech at the Supreme Court

The Court will have to decide whether the Biden administration coerced social media companies to censor speech in violation of the First Amendment.

Brian Mark Weber / March 15, 2024

Debunking the De-Bankers

The practice of refusing banking services to those with conservative ideological views puts our nation on a perilous path.

Douglas Andrews / February 28, 2024

A Tough Speech Case at the Supreme Court

The Republican states of Florida and Texas have enacted laws that protect conservative speech but likely run afoul of the Constitution.

Douglas Andrews / February 22, 2024

Government Censorship: How We Got Here

In a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, former State Department official and censorship expert Mike Benz tells an alarming and infuriating tale.

Thomas Gallatin / February 12, 2024

Mann Verdict an Affront to Free Speech

A DC jury finds in climate scientist Michael Mann’s favor in his defamation suit against conservative commentator Mark Steyn.

Douglas Andrews / February 7, 2024

A Deep Dive Into Disinformation

In a probing look at what he calls “The Hoax of the Century,” author Jacob Siegel considers how the disinformation complex came to be.

John Stossel / January 24, 2024

The Most Dangerous Conservative

People who don’t agree with Charles Murray should debate him, not shun him.

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