The Kamalafest Coronation Convention
“You don’t have to imagine what a Kamala Harris presidency would be because you are living through that nightmare right now.”
“The spirit of encroachment tends to consolidate the powers of all the departments in one, and thus to create whatever the form of government, a real despotism.” —George Washington (1796)
“Kamalafest Joy” is the vibe, but the DNC convention is more accurately a “hatefest,” given the Harris/Walz campaign is built on the Demos’ fear, hate, and division foundation, now asserting Donald Trump is the mortal “enemy of democracy.” That plays well with their constituents, who have been infused with Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Of course, the most perilous threat to American Liberty is, in fact, Harris and her socialist Democrats, but you would have to have an IQ above room temperature to discern that.
Maureen Dowd, The New York Times’s longtime leftist political analyst, opined: “It’s going to be a glorious coronation — except that everyone’s mad at one another. Top Democrats are bristling with resentments even as they try to put on a united front. … A coterie of powerful Democrats maneuvered behind the scenes to push an incumbent president out of the race.”
Indeed, the anger stems from the DNC’s backroom Big Swap of Harris in place of Joe Biden, the former having not been intentionally excluded from the primary election process — you know, “democracy.” The model for rigging the Demo ticket this year was perfected in 2020, when Biden was the DNC’s desperation alternative to Bernie Sanders once they disposed of him.
And nobody is more angry about the rigged 2024 ticket than Harris’s opponent, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who unloaded on the Harris/Walz regime last week in what is best described as a final divorce decree.
Recall that RFK Jr. declared earlier this year that the Biden/Harris administration was a “much worse threat to democracy” than Trump — true. And last week, in a bridge-burning rebuke of Harris, he announced he has “no plans to endorse Kamala Harris for President” and that Harris’s Democrat Party “would be unrecognizable to my father and uncle and I cannot reconcile it with my values.”
The Democratic Party of RFK and JFK was the party of civil liberties and free speech. VP Harris’s is the party of censorship, lockdowns, and medical coercion. Kennedy Democrats were anti-war. Kamala’s is riddled with neocon warmongers. The RFK/JFK dems were allies of Main Street, cops, firefighters, and working people. VP Harris’s is the Party of Big Tech, Big Pharma and Wall Street. My dad and uncle’s party was the champion of voting rights and fair elections. VP Harris’s is the party of lawfare, disenfranchisement, and the coronation of its candidates by corporate donors and party elites. … My father and uncle prided themselves on their skills at debate and their ability to articulate a coherent vision for our country. VP Harris is scared to debate and can’t survive an unscripted interview. Instead of outlining a vision, she relies on middle school tactics — memes, forged headlines, infantile slogans (Joy!) and name calling (“Republicans are weird.”) I’ve spent years battling government corruption and lies. VP Harris spent years gaslighting Americans about the health of our Commander in Chief. I have no plans to endorse Kamala Harris for President. I do have a plan to defeat her.
It is unclear what RFK’s “defeat her” plan is, but we all wish him success! Could be that he will endorse Trump, but that would undermine any dissension from Harris votes.
So, to Chicago and the DNC’s Kamalafest Coronation…
It is worth noting that this convention closely mirrors the 1968 DNC convention. Both were in Chicago, and both featured an unpopular incumbent president who had presided over disastrous domestic and foreign policies and who withdrew from his reelection campaign when public support had cratered. Joe Biden’s predecessor was Lyndon B. Johnson, but at least LBJ had enough respect for Demo voters to withdraw before the primaries.
Ironically, Johnson presided over the implementation of his so-called “Great Society” programs, which instituted systemic poverty and ultimately enslaved tens of millions of poor mostly black people on the Democrat Party’s urban poverty plantations. Ironic because Johnson said of those dependents, “I’ll have those ni**ers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” And indeed, black people are the Demos’ most loyal constituency.
Today, Chicago embodies all those urban plantation ills. As the editors of National Review opined, “If Democrat delegates want to learn why they are losing support among working-class voters, they should get out of the convention center and look around Chicago.”
The opening keynote speaker set the tone for the rest of the week.
Old Joe Biden showed up to spew a litany of lies that will hover over the nation for a long time.
Notably, for a guy who said he can’t handle engagements after 8 p.m., he never made it onto the stage until most of the nation was sound asleep. Of his 11:30 arrival, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison explained, “Part of the reason why we ran a little late is because every single person got rounds of applause for what they were saying.” Right.
Old Joe really cut loose, demonstrating in final fashion why he is the undisputed leader of the Demos’ “Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier” Cavalry.

“I ran for president in 2020 because of what I saw in Charlottesville in August of 2017. … When the president was asked what he thought had happened, Donald Trump said, and I quote, ‘There are very fine people on both sides.’ My God, that’s what he said. That is what he said and what he meant. With those words, the president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it. In that moment, I knew the threat to this nation was unlike any I had ever seen in my lifetime. … He’s promising a bloodbath if he loses, in his words. And that he’ll be a dictator on Day One, in his own words. … Trump, when in Europe, would not go to the [service members’] gravesites. … He called them ‘suckers and losers.’ … He created the largest debt any president had in four years with his $2 trillion tax cut for the wealthy. … When I came into office, the conventional wisdom was that China would inevitably surpass the United States, no one’s saying that now. … During the pandemic, Kamala and I helped states and cities get their schools back open. … We’ve gone from economic crisis to the strongest economy in the world. … The smallest racial wealth gap in 20 years. … We have a thousand billionaires in America. You know what is their average tax rate they pay? 8.2 percent. … There are fewer border crossings today than when Donald Trump left office. … Trump wants to cut Social Security and Medicare. … More children in America are killed by a gunshot than any other cause in the United States. … When Trump left office, Europe and NATO were in tatters.”
Most of these lies were gently corrected by The Washington Post and CNN, some kindly suggesting they were “missing context,” but Demos aren’t interested in the truth.
Harris is a collaborator in every lie Biden has told since she joined his ticket in 2020.
Oh, inadvertently, Biden did speak one truth: “[Trump’s] ‘America First’ doctrine changed our whole image in the world.” Indeed, it did. Trump restored America’s super-power standing.
Laughably, Biden declared, “Kamala and Tim will continue to take on corporate greed and bring down the cost of food.”
That would be a reference to Harris’s first big economic policy announcement — despite the fact there is no policy section on the Harris/Walz website.
After Harris announced her asinine economic plan to go after an inflation ghost, food price-gougers, even the editorial board of The Washington Post flamed the policy: “The times demand serious economic ideas — Harris supplies gimmicks.” Jason Furman, the former economic adviser to Barack Obama, declared, “This is not sensible policy, and I think the biggest hope is that it ends up being a lot of rhetoric and no reality. There’s no upside here, and there is some downside.” CNN’s Catherine Rampell blasted Harris’s price-control plan as “totally unworkable,” noting, “We’ve seen this kind of thing tried in lots of other countries before — Venezuela, Argentina, the Soviet Union, et cetera – it leads to shortages, it leads to black markets, and plenty of uncertainty.”

Maybe her price-control plan was formulated by ChiCom sympathizer Tim Walz, her stolen valor sidekick.
Harris’s “new and improved” Bidenomics 2.0 proposals are an easy mark for the Right. JD Vance hit it with, “Giving Kamala Harris control over inflation policy … it’s like giving Jeffrey Epstein control over human trafficking policy.” Columnist Ian Haworth said, “Kamala Harris is randomly picking half of her policies from the Communist Manifesto and the other half from Trump’s platform.” And political analyst Joel Pollak added, “Kamala Harris just promised to build 3 million new homes in four years. But in nearly three years since passing $7.5 billion for EV charging stations, they’ve built eight.”
Then Harris announced the centerpiece of her class-warfare strategy — a huge 28% increase on corporate taxes. Her campaign insists that it’s “a fiscally responsible way to put money back in the pockets of working people and ensure billionaires and big corporations pay their fair share.”
Memo to Kamala: Raise taxes on corporations, and those cost increases are passed through to consumers on top of the massive inflation bomb you and Joe dropped on the American people over the last three and a half years. But your class-warfare rhetoric — going after those “billionaires and big corporations” for “their fair share” — sounds so appealing, and your constituents are too stupid to do the math.
Of course, the Demo platform also declares that more government is the solution for everything, from stupidity to warts.
Harris, with the help of her Leftmedia publicists, is conducting her campaign as if she has a clean policy slate — has never set foot in Washington before. She claims she will implement her recycled Biden policies on “Day 1,” but has already held the second most powerful political office in the world for more than 1,315 days…
But the unavoidable truth: Harris is the effluent of a failed presidential administration and has demonstrated a level of ineptitude at least equal to that of Joe Biden. Harris, like Obama and Clinton before her, exhibits the unresolved pathology of a child abandoned by her father at an early age. The consequences of such pathology for the nation are dire.

Other truths Harris will try to bend to the breaking point when she speaks Thursday…
On crime: For the record, Kamala Harris, hailed in her role as a former prosecutor, was a chief cheerleader for the 2020 Demo Defund Police chorus, insisting, “For far too long, the status quo thinking has been to believe that by putting more police on the street, you’re going to have more safety — and that’s just wrong.” Put fewer cops on the street; what could go wrong? At the same time, Harris was bailing rioters out of jail.
That “summer of rage” surge of violence across our nation resulted in dozens of civilian murders, billions in damages to private and public properties, and a significant increase in assaults and murders of police officers. And the violent surge spilled over into the years that followed and has yet to subside.
The Biden/Harris condemnation of cops resulted in a nationwide police recruitment, retention, and morale crisis, and that continues today. Similarly, military morale under Biden and Harris has eroded significantly, undermining military readiness and resulting in the worst recruitment year on record.
And despite her support for the Marxist so-called “Black Lives Matter” movement, if Harris, who claims to be black, really believed that black lives mattered, she would be focused on fixing the Democrat Party’s failed social policies resulting in the grossly disproportionate record of daily black-on-black murders and violence — the Demos’ “Black Death” Plague.
Worse, Biden and Harris colluded to cover up the crime scene by changing the way the FBI and Department of Justice compile and report violent crime data.
On illegal immigration: Her “performance” as “border czar” is a bloody testament to her ineptitude, but like Biden Monday night, she will lie about the stats.
Next up at Kamalafest, it was the shadow government puppeteers of the Biden/Harris administration, Barack and Michelle Obama, delivering their steaming load of manure.
And the rest of the week, including Walz Wednesday night and Harris Thursday night, will endeavor to rally the Demos’ largest constituency, women, whom Demo strategists believe are emotionally incontinent idiots and, thus, easy marks. Indeed, the Demos’ gender gap is growing.
Of all the Kamalafest fanfare, Donald Trump summed up in one line what all Americans should understand: “You don’t have to imagine what a Kamala Harris presidency would be because you are living through that nightmare right now.”
For his part, moving forward, Trump must shift his focus with laser precision to the exceptional domestic and foreign policy record when he was president, as diametrically opposed to the Biden/Harris regime’s abysmal record of domestic and foreign policy failures.
Currently, for obvious reasons, Democrats have a deliberate campaign strategy that is simply, “Let Him Speak — It’s Working.” They will defeat Trump with that strategy unless he shifts to policy comparisons and exercises great discipline in the words he chooses at every public appearance.
If Trump can conduct himself with a sufficient modicum of humility and demeanor befitting a president, that will largely determine the outcome of the 2024 election.
And a final note: let me remind those contemplating casting their vote for the Harris/Walz ticket, YOU can stop the bloodshed.
The slaughter of tens of thousands of men, women, and children by Islamic extremists in Afghanistan, by Russians attacking Ukraine, and of civilian victims in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, is the direct result of the Biden/Harris regime’s lethal foreign policy ineptitude.
The violent assaults on thousands of Americans by criminal illegal immigrants are the direct result of “Border Czar” Harris’s lethal open border policy. The drugs flooding across our southern border, resulting in the overdose deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans, is also the direct result of the Biden/Harris open border policy.
The dramatic surge of violent crime across America since 2020 is the direct result of the Biden/Harris appeasement of violent criminals and their defund police campaign.
The blood of all those victims is, indisputably, the consequence of failed Biden/Harris policies, and that blood is irrevocably on their hands.
So let me appeal to your sense of humility and decency regarding the consequences of your vote: YOU can stop the slaughter of innocents.
Or you can drench your own hands with their blood.
When you cast your vote for the next president, please remember that the lives of our Military Patriots and tens of thousands of innocent civilians are depending on you.

Footnote 1: Since Harris is hiding behind the Leftmedia curtain, refusing interviews and having her few economic proposals panned by both left and right side analysts, the RNC launched a website listing Harris’s policy record.
Footnote 2: Who is actually running the executive branch, and who has access to the nuke codes? We have been asking this question since Biden took office, as did three dozen House Democrats in a formal letter questioning his mental acuity in March 2021. At the time, Biden’s bumbling, fumbling actions prompted political analyst Charles Hurt to ask, “Can anyone just tell us who the hell is running our federal government right now? … Who is the president of the United States right now?” As political observer Erick Erickson noted this week, “All the people now telling you Harris is awesome are the same people who told you there was nothing wrong with Biden last month.” So again, who the hell is actually running our country today and for the next six months?
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776
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