China’s P4 Lab and SARS-CoV-2 — The Evidence Mounts
“All other possible places of the virus’ origin have been proven to be highly unlikely.”

Many Leftmedia outlets have, in effect, partnered with Xi Jinping’s communist Chinese propaganda machine by promoting the ChiCom cover story about the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus causing the COVID-19 disease pandemic. They are helping China deflect liability for the catastrophic result of its negligence, which has resulted in the destruction of lives and destruction of livelihoods.
For the record, five weeks ago, we made the case that President Donald Trump should “Send Xi the Bill” for China’s negligence, both in lax standards at its Wuhan Pathogen 4 lab resulting in the release of the virus and for its very deliberate efforts to cover up the outbreak, in concert with China’s World Health Organization puppet, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu, who facilitated Xi’s obfuscation.
If I were a betting man, I would take long odds that the emerging evidence will establish, beyond a reasonable doubt, that China’s effort to cover up the outbreak in Wuhan was motivated by the full knowledge that the virus was released from its Wuhan Institute lab, either by accident or intentionally.
Public speculation about the origins of that release started with Sen. Tom Cotton, as we noted in January. At that time, The Patriot Post was the first public source to affirm: “Officially, the communist Chinese government claims about 220 deaths and 10,000 infections. Our sources indicate that the actual rates of infection and deaths in China are much higher, and, in fact, official reports may only represent 5-7% of the actual dead and infected.”
So what do we know now?
Last week, regarding the origin and withholding of information about the SARS-CoV-2 virus, President Trump said, “It’s coming in. I’m getting pieces already.” This week, the pieces are coming together and they are irrefutable.
In mid-April, a government report concluded the “most likely” source of the virus was the P4 lab: “All other possible places of the virus’ origin have been proven to be highly unlikely.” To be clear, there is no evidence the virus was engineered as a bio weapon. As noted by Gen. Mark A. Milley, “At this point, it’s inconclusive, although the weight of evidence seems to indicate natural. But we don’t know for certain.” At the time, The Washington Post begrudgingly changed its tune, admitting that speculation about the Wuhan lab origin may not be “conspiracy theory.”
On 1 May, Jamie Metzl, a member of the WHO’s International Advisory Committee on Human Genome Editing, cautiously said, “When they have outbreaks in China, the zoonotic jump [of the virus from animal to humans] tends to happen in the south in Guangdong or Yunnan Province, and not in Wuhan or in Hubei Province. They have the only level-4 virology lab in China, which happens to be in Wuhan and was studying dangerous coronaviruses.”
On 2 May, a 15-page intelligence summary produced by the “Five Eyes” intel alliance (U.S., UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand), documented China’s cover-up of the outbreak.
That day, a Department of Homeland Security report concluded that one reason China “intentionally concealed the severity” of the Wuhan outbreak was to hoard medical supplies. The analysis indicates China increased imports of medical supplies while decreasing exports, in effect stocking up 2.46 billion pieces of medical items. That hoarding included two billion masks, as well as instructions to its foreign base companies to buy up all the supplies available.
On 3 May, Fox News White House correspondent John Roberts reported: “A Senior Intelligence Source tells me there is agreement among most of the 17 Intelligence agencies that COVID-19 originated in the Wuhan lab. The source stressed that the release is believed to be a mistake, and was not intentional. … Sources say not all 17 intelligence agencies agree that the lab was the source of the virus because there is not yet a definitive ‘smoking gun.’ But confidence is high among 70-75% of the agencies.”
That day, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declared: “There’s enormous evidence that that’s where it began. … Remember, China has a history of infecting the world, and they have a history of running sub-standard laboratories. These are not the first times that we have had the world exposed to viruses as a result of failures in a Chinese lab. … China behaved like authoritarian regimes do, attempted to conceal and hide and confuse. … It’s the way communist parties operate. This is classic communist disinformation effort.”
Finally, in a town hall Sunday night, President Trump indicated his administration has evidence of the lab source, saying, “I don’t think there is any question about it.” He added that we “will be providing a very strong report on what we think happened, and I think it will be very conclusive.” Trump, keeping in mind that he is still negotiating a trade deal with Xi and that the U.S. remains dependent on China for critical medical supplies, also stated that the release was not intentional: “Personally I think they made a horrible mistake. They didn’t want to admit it. We wanted to go in but they didn’t want us there. … They tried to cover it. They tried to put it out. It’s like trying to put out a fire. They couldn’t put out the fire.”
As Republican members of the House and Senate return to work, they are preparing legislation to go after China. Expressing the sentiments of many of his colleagues, Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) said, “Whether or not China would be held accountable with monetary damages, I would hope so, but at least we would begin establishing a record in court getting to the bottom of it.” Meanwhile, Democrat legislators are still formulating how they will frame Trump for the health and economic consequences in the U.S.
(Visit our CV19 Pandemic response and recovery page with its comprehensive timeline, and see our related pages.
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776
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- Tags:
- Wuhan
- China
- coronavirus