Exposing the Leftmedia’s False CV19 Narrative
We owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. Li Wenliang and Sen. Tom Cotton for their commitment to reveal the truth.
“There is but one straight course, and that is to seek truth and pursue it steadily.” —George Washington (1795)

Most of the Democrats’ Leftmedia PR outlets have hedged on condemning Red Chinese dictator Xi Jinping for the clear and indisputable evidence that he directed his politburo officials to systematically cover up the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in China, in effect becoming the global state sponsor of the COVID-19 pandemic. There is no question that the pandemic was “Made in China.”
The consequence of Xi’s coverup, in direct collaboration with the World Health Organization, is that the virus was in the U.S. and worldwide before we were aware of its virulence.
Some of the Left’s mainstream-media scribes and talkingheads have also reluctantly edged toward considering whether Xi’s coverup was motivated by the possibility his ChiCom bioweapon engineers at the Pathogen Level 4 lab in Wuhan accidentally released the novel coronavirus responsible for the current CV19 pandemic.
Hedging about Xi’s cover-up and reluctance to reconsider the assumed “natural source” of the virus is predictable: Both cases support the fact that Donald Trump and his administration did not have sufficient evidence about the China Virus to take action sooner to prevent its spread to the U.S. And that would undermine the MSM’s collective ability to blame President Trump for its catastrophic public-health and economic costs ahead of the 8 November presidential election.
The Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, and the rest of the Left’s print and chatter media outlets are being pressed, against their will and political agendas, to acknowledge that the consequences of Xi Jinping’s cover-up have proven dire for every nation in the world.
By way of review, on 31 January — the day President Trump issued his China travel ban — his actions were met with a chorus of objections by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Joe Biden, and other Democrat Party wonks and Leftmedia agitators, who were too busy promoting their phony impeachment charade to pay attention to an emerging pandemic.
Pelosi condemned the restrictions and reissued her call for passage of the Demos’ No Ban Act to prevent Trump from imposing what she said were “biased and bigoted restrictions.” Pelosi declared, “The Trump administration’s expansion of its un-American travel ban is a threat to our security, our values and the Rule of Law.” (There were 219 House Democrat cosponsors of the No Ban Act. On 13 March, Pelosi quietly withdrew this politically correct and deadly legislation.)
Biden protested, “This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia — hysterical xenophobia — and fear-mongering to lead the way instead of science.” (Biden stuck to his vicious and utterly wrongheaded opinion on the travel ban until 3 April.)
The Washington Post editorial board condemned the Trump administration’s restrictions, asserting, “Mr. Trump’s goal is to shut off the spigot of plucky, hopeful, and ambitious people who aspire to become Americans.”
The same day Trump issued his travel ban, The Patriot Post alerted our readers: “Officially, the communist Chinese government claims about 220 deaths and 10,000 infections. Our sources indicate that the actual rates of infection and deaths in China are much higher, and, in fact, official reports may only represent 5-7% of the actual dead and infected. The so-called ‘pop-up hospitals’ that were constructed across Hubei Province where the outbreak originated doubled as isolation morgues.” In retrospect, while we were many links ahead of the MSM with this assessment, it will likely prove understated, as the Chinese death toll may be 100-1,000 times the “official death counts.”
On that note, I want to chronicle here the actions of two people to whom we Americans, and by extension the world, owe a great debt of gratitude for the fact the CV19 outcome has not been much worse than it has already proven to be.
Only one of the two has been fairly acknowledged by the Leftmedia, Dr. Li Wenliang.
On 1 January, health officials in Wuhan issued an urgent internal notice about the spread of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, and Hubei Province authorities ordered all labs sequencing the virus to destroy their samples and keep it a secret. Eight Chinese doctors who saw that notice and bravely posted warnings about the novel coronavirus were detained by Xi Jinping’s state security forces, and their laboratories were ordered to destroy samples of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.
Wuhan’s Dr. Li Wenliang was the loudest voice among those warning Chinese citizens about the outbreak. Consequently, he was forced by Xi’s state security forces to sign an official confession admitting he spread “false rumors” about CV19.
On 7 February, conveniently for Xi Jinping, Li Wenliang died, presumably of CV19 disease, while in a government hospital.

The second person who sounded alarms, prompting the Trump administration to take action, is Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR). Alone — and amid great ridicule across the mainstream media — he publicly raised the earliest concerns about the virology of the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen and questioned the origins of the deadly virus.
Cotton, a fair critic of the Trump administration, is a conservative who earned Harvard undergrad and law degrees and then volunteered for military service, becoming a decorated Army officer serving tours in both Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. I have followed his career and trust his assessment implicitly.
For the record, based on our detailed chronology of the U.S. response to CV19, here is when and how Cotton expressed his concerns.
On 22 January, Cotton advised the Trump administration that all travel should be stopped between the U.S. and China, and he warned that Xi’s CCP regime could be covering up information about CV19. According to Cotton, “Once again, a deadly virus is emanating from China. Hundreds have fallen ill in Asia and at least one confirmed case has reached the United States. It’s imperative that the CCP be fully transparent and share information so we can stop this disease from spreading. … In the past, the CCP has lied, falsified statistics, and suppressed information about outbreaks in order to cover for its own incompetence.”
The next week, Cotton sent letters to the administration’s secretaries of State, HHS, and DHS, warning “no amount of screening [at entry points] will identify a contagious-but-asymptomatic person afflicted with the coronavirus.”
On 29 January, the day President Trump formed his White House Coronavirus Task Force, Cotton warned in Senate testimony that CV19 was going to be “the biggest and the most important story in the world.” His concerns were drowned out by the Democrats’ impeachment show, which dominated the political and news cycles.
That same week, Cotton first made the connection between SARS-CoV-2 and the Wuhan Institute of Virology: “We know that just a few miles away from that food market [where the disease was first contracted] is China’s only biosafety Level 4 super laboratory, which researches human infectious diseases.”
The Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory at the Wuhan Institute is known to be engaged in research on the Ebola, Nipah, and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever viruses — and, yes, coronavirus variants. And the institute has clear ties to the PRC’s bioweapon programs.
Sen. Cotton did not claim that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus strain was bioengineered or intentionally released. The SARS-CoV-2 viral strain causing CV19 illness is considered to be of “natural origin,” though there are now questions about that assumption. But the connection is beyond coincidence. There is sufficient evidence that the Chinese had isolated and researched the novel SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus variant and knew the consequences if it were released.
Cotton’s warnings clearly influenced the decision by the Trump administration to launch the CV19 Task Force and issue the China travel ban. He affirmed Trump’s decision, saying, “I commend the president greatly for ultimately making the right decision contrary to what the so-called experts were telling him.”
Cotton continued to lead the charge to determine the facts about Xi’s cover-up and the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, prompting The Washington Post to accuse him in February of “repeating a coronavirus conspiracy theory that was already debunked.” (WaPo has yet to retract that smear, even in the face of mounting evidence — some of it in the WaPo — that Cotton was absolutely correct.)
In a Wall Street Journal op-ed this week, Sen. Cotton reiterated: “Beijing has claimed that the virus originated in a Wuhan ‘wet market,’ where wild animals were sold. But evidence to counter this theory emerged in January. Chinese researchers reported in the Lancet [medical journal] Jan. 24 that the first known cases had no contact with the market, and Chinese state media acknowledged the finding. There’s no evidence the market sold bats or pangolins, the animals from which the virus is thought to have jumped to humans. And the bat species that carries it isn’t found within 100 miles of Wuhan.”
Cotton noted further: “Wuhan has two labs where we know bats and humans interacted. One is the Institute of Virology, eight miles from the wet market; the other is the Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention, barely 300 yards from the market. Both labs collect live animals to study viruses. Their researchers travel to caves across China to capture bats for this purpose. Chinese state media released a mini-documentary in mid-December following a team of Wuhan CDC researchers collecting viruses from bats in caves. The researchers fretted openly about the risk of infection.”

Predictably, after Cotton shined a bright light on China’s P4 labs in Wuhan, Xi’s politburo began aggressively spreading disinformation about the outbreak, even insisting the SARS-CoV-2 virus was a U.S. military bioweapon planted in Wuhan.
The Wuhan Institute’s Yuan Zhiming, secretary of the lab’s Communist Party committee, insists, “There is no way this virus came from us.” He claims Cotton is “deliberately trying to mislead people.” The same denials have been parroted by Shi Zhengli, the lab’s chief bat-virus researcher, who claimed in a study that the SARS-CoV-2 virus causing CV19 was only 96.2% identical to the viral strain she and her team had worked with. Insisting she could be trusted, she said, “I advise those who believe and spread rumors from harmful media sources … to shut their stinking mouths.”
The Red Chinese directorate of disinformation, the “Information Department” of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has been actively involved in the cover-up, which has been facilitated by their American media comrades — especially those who are beneficiaries of Xi’s Chinese funding. Consequently, we shouldn’t expect the MSM to lead any in-depth investigations into the origins of SARS-CoV-2. After all, doing so would reveal their own collective and catastrophic failure as an institution.
According to the National Security Council, the Chinese “are working around the clock to spread disinformation about the origins and spread of the Chinese virus.”
Red Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang continues to put a smiley face on Xi’s actions, declaring, “China’s experience … has set an exemplary standard. President Xi’s visit to Wuhan sent out the message of sure victory to the world.”
Laughably, Geng insisted that the government has been “acting with openness, transparency, and a high sense of responsibility to global health security.” The communist government has even published and distributed a book about how well it handled the outbreak — and it has been translated into English, French, Spanish, Russian, and Arabic.
Of course, there is no truth to any of Geng’s assertions.
Peter Tsang, director of the China Institute at the London University School of Oriental and African Studies, says: “China is in the midst of its most intensive propaganda operation in living memory, in trying to project its success in dealing with the virus. There is now an imperative for the statistics to be low, and now we have statistics that serve the political imperative.”
Apparently the ChiComs have perfected what former British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli noted: “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.”
As noted by Michael Auslin, a fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, “The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is waging a ferocious, global propaganda campaign designed to deflect blame for the origin and spread of the COVID-19 outbreak from Wuhan, China. Moreover, Beijing is trying to take advantage of the pandemic to increase its global standing and influence. There are three main reasons why the world must hold the CCP accountable for the first global pandemic in a century. … Beijing freely chose to deny the truth of COVID-19, and its governing malpractice and incompetence helped unleashed a pandemic on the world. For the sake of morality, political governance, and the future, the world must speak truth to power, remember the facts, and condemn the CCP’s actions.”
As for Xi Jinping’s disinformation campaign, Auslin notes: “Beijing’s war aim is simple: shift away from China all blame for the outbreak, the botched initial response, and its early spread into the broader world. At stake is China’s global reputation, as well as the potential of a fundamental shift away from China for trade and manufacturing. Also at risk is the personal legacy of General Secretary Xi Jinping, who has staked his legitimacy on his technocratic competence. After dealing with the first great global crisis of the 21st century, the world must fundamentally rethink its dependence on China. … In the longer run, they must look to reform globalization by prudently reshaping their economies and societies in the shadow of future crises.”
As I’ve previously noted, “It is not inconceivable, in fact likely, that Xi viewed the CV19 epidemic in China as a fortuitous means of augmenting his central state population planning — a way to help dispense with the bubble of millions of older Chinese citizens who are creating a financial burden on the younger generation, the numbers of which have contracted due to China’s 1979 ‘one child’ policy, enforced until China reverted back to its ‘two child policy’ in 2015.”
I’m certain that all of Xi’s ChiCom central committee members are taking great pleasure in the consequences of the CV19 pandemic outside of China, particularly how it has sidetracked President Trump’s vital efforts to restore fair trade with China while implementing policies responsible for creating the strongest economy in American history. It has also imperiled his reelection.
I am not suggesting (yet) that the release of SARS-CoV-2 virus was intentional, just that from the statist perspective of the ChiComs, it has arguably provided some benefits — both within China and in terms of China’s global power.
How many deaths, both here and worldwide, would have been spared if Xi and his ChiComs had not deceived the world? The most damning evidence of China’s wanton and abject negligence is a study by pandemic researchers concluding that had Xi or his World Health Organization cronies informed the world three weeks earlier, it could’ve reduced the spread by 95%. The numbers are staggering.
In late March, as the CV19 Task Force implemented a 30-day extension of its mitigation efforts, continuing the shutdown of vital American economic sectors, Sen. Cotton reiterated: “The Chinese Communist Party is still lying today, as they were in December and January, and that’s why what could have been a local problem in Wuhan turned into a global pandemic. … As for what happened in that biosafety Level 4 laboratory, that super lab in Wuhan, we still don’t know because the Chinese CP refuses to come clean.”
There may never be an “official” conclusion about the origin of the China Virus because of national-security implications, but there is no doubt about the cover-up and the consequences. We all owe thanks to Dr. Li and Sen. Cotton for remaining steadfast in their commitment to advance the truth.
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776
Join us in prayer for our Patriots in uniform and their families — Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen — standing in harm’s way, and for our nation’s First Responders. We also ask prayer for your Patriot team, that our mission would seed and encourage the Spirit of Liberty in the hearts and minds of our countrymen.