DeSantis Schools NIMBY Dems
The Florida governor sends Martha’s Vineyard two planeloads of the Democrats’ own open-borders medicine.
There goes the neighborhood.
First it was Oprah. Then it was those uppity Obamas and their $12 million oceanfront mansion. And now, the Free State of Florida’s mouth-breathing governor, Ron DeSantis, has dispatched two planeloads full of short brown people to tony Martha’s Vineyard, there to do the manual labor that’s beneath all the fine progressives who inhabit the place.
The very nerve. What must the Kennedys think? And the Clintons? What must Bill Gates think? And David Letterman, and Diane Sawyer? We know what they think: Egads, will it still be safe for Muffy and me to leave the compound and take a stroll down to the raw oyster bar?
Yesterday, DeSantis spokesperson Taryn Fenske said that the flights were “part of the state’s relocation program to transport illegal immigrants to sanctuary destinations.” She added, “States like Massachusetts, New York, and California will better facilitate the care of these individuals who they have invited into our country by incentivizing illegal immigration through their designation as ‘sanctuary states’ and support for the Biden administration’s open border policies.”
Who can argue with this? Not only is it great empathy training for NIMBY Democrats, it’s also a valuable lesson that elections have consequences. Clearly, the folks of Massachusetts prefer open-borders Democrats to closed-border Republicans.
Meanwhile, big-city Democrat mayors like New York’s Eric Adams and Chicago’s Lori Lightfoot have been squealing like stuck pigs, as the Republican governors of Texas and Arizona, Greg Abbott and Doug Ducey respectively, give them a little taste of their party’s own medicine. We can only imagine what Border Czar Kamala “The Border Is Secure” Harris thinks of the 100 migrants Abbott just dropped off in front of her DC residence at the Naval Observatory.
Where might the DeSantis Travel Bureau deposit the next batch of illegals? Perhaps Joe Biden’s Delaware, right there on his beloved Rehoboth Beach?
If there’s one thing leftists lack, it’s a sense of humor. Especially when it comes at their expense. This helps explain the outpouring of outrage being directed toward the governor. “Ron DeSantis is a truly disgusting man,” tweeted New York Democrat Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez, no doubt from someplace safe and comfortable. “Using migrant men, women, and children as political pawns for a sick and unbelievably cruel stunt is vile. Republicans truly have no morality left.”
This little lecture is rich indeed coming from a Democrat, from a member of the Open Borders Party. Or perhaps Ms. Velazquez hasn’t bothered to consider that her party’s ongoing refusal to secure our southern border has invited thousands of migrants to die terrible deaths on the dangerous trip north, including 53 who cooked to death in San Antonio earlier this summer in a single abandoned tractor trailer.
And this isn’t to mention the countless child rapes and the brisk human trafficking industry that the coyotes have built and the Democrats have enabled. Nor does it count the steady flow of both Chinese and homegrown fentanyl across the border, which kills the equivalent of a jet airliner full of Velazquez’s fellow citizens every single day all across America.
Who, exactly, is using illegal immigrants as “political pawns”? Which party’s cynical “Browning of America” strategy is “sick and unbelievably cruel”?
Wethinks the Democrats doth protest too much.