Right Analysis   /   Immigration
Emmy Griffin / July 26, 2024

The Great ‘Border Czar’ Whitewash

The circle-the-wagons mainstream media wants to retcon Harris’s role in the open southern border.

Caleb Nunes / July 23, 2024

Immigration and Housing Prices

Of six research papers I reviewed, only one found that immigration did not increase housing prices.

Political Editors / July 23, 2024

RNC: Border Czar Harris Fails Americans With Open Border Policies

Kamala Harris’ border crisis is out of control — and only a Trump-Vance administration can stop it.

Emmy Griffin / July 11, 2024

Migrants Love New York

The poorest boroughs are shouldering the majority of the migrant influx.

Scarlen Valderaz / July 3, 2024

Open Borders Are Anti-Women

Feminists should be protesting in the streets for their right to feel safe in their own communities.

Douglas Andrews / June 27, 2024

On the Death of Jocelyn Nungaray

In a fallen world of seemingly endless evil and brutality, this particular crime still manages to shock the senses.

Betsy McCaughey / June 26, 2024

Open Borders Subject Women and Girls in the U.S. to Rapes and Wanton Violence

Close the border to stop the femicidal madness.

Thomas Gallatin / June 25, 2024

Trump Is Pro-Immigration

The former president recently pushed the idea of expanding America’s green card program to all foreign residents who get their college degrees in the U.S.

Josh Hammer / June 21, 2024

Joe Biden’s Executive Amnesty Is Illegal, Unjust, and Self-Defeating

Biden became the second straight Democratic president to unilaterally engage in the quintessentially kingly act of “mak[ing] denizens of aliens.”

Betsy McCaughey / June 19, 2024

Ban Sanctuary Laws

It’s time to give the law-abiding public sanctuary and safety, not migrant criminals.

Emmy Griffin / June 19, 2024

Biden’s Next Mass Amnesty

The vote-pilfering commander-in-chief welcomes illegals who have married U.S. citizens.

Emmy Griffin / June 18, 2024

Another Illegal Alien Murders an American Woman

Rachel Morin’s killing is the direct result of Joe Biden’s facilitated invasion.

Cal Thomas / June 6, 2024

Biden Border Order: Too Little, Too Late, Too Political

Biden has suddenly discovered the power to do something after all.

Emmy Griffin / June 5, 2024

Biden’s Cynical Illegal Immigration EO

His new weak-sauce executive order is as effective as it is beneficial to America. In other words, not at all.

Political Editors / June 4, 2024

RCI: Biden’s Weaponized Migration Policy

The forethought and intentionality of Democrats’ migration policy and blocking of consideration of legislation to secure our borders.

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