Right Analysis   /   Health
Samantha Koch / June 27, 2024

Obesity Is a Big Problem

A new report from House Republicans says obesity will cost us up to $9.1 trillion in medical costs over the next decade.

Scarlen Valderaz / June 13, 2024

Are Antidepressants Safe to Use During Pregnancy?

The medical establishment has failed to be transparent about risks or negative effects.

Emmy Griffin / May 21, 2024

Four Years Late, Collins Stumbles Into Some Truth

The NIH keeps admitting that its draconian COVID measures were arbitrary and hopes we won’t notice.

Emmy Griffin / May 1, 2024

A Tale of Two Transgender Medical Strategies

The contrast between America’s and Britain’s handling of the phenomenon is a stark one.

Samantha Koch / April 5, 2024

Silencing Dissent on Birth Control Is Anti-Autonomy

The Left’s effort to censor certain women’s views on birth control is more disempowering than empowering.

Douglas Andrews / March 14, 2024

How COVID Wrecked Science and Stomped Liberty

In a remarkable essay by a former Harvard epidemiologist, we see how a nation can lose its collective mind during a public health crisis.

Emmy Griffin / February 9, 2024

Avoiding the Abortion Pill’s Inconvenient Truths

Pro-abortion advocates succeed in suppressing health risks to the mother associated with the abortion pill.

Scarlen Valderaz / January 11, 2024

Harvard and ‘LGBTQIA+ Infants’

This further indoctrinates medical students into an ideology that is not rooted in truth or reality.

Rich Lowry / January 1, 2024

Confession of a Public-Health Expert

Francis Collins has noted that he and his colleagues demonstrated an “unfortunate” narrow-mindedness.

Political Editors / December 20, 2023

In Brief: Is the World Going Viral … Again?

Sometimes a new virus in China is the next great global pandemic. And sometimes, it’s just another virus.

Emmy Griffin / December 13, 2023

COVID Vaccines Create Disruptive Proteins in Quarter of Recipients

The truth comes out, yet politicians and scientists continue to whistle past the graveyard.

Emmy Griffin / November 29, 2023

Indi Gregory Murdered by Big Government Healthcare

The socialist UK healthcare system and government control over medical decisions are killing infants.

Scarlen Valderaz / November 16, 2023

The Case Against Universal Healthcare

Tyranny is only one reason to put the universal healthcare debate to rest, but it is one of the most important reasons.

Emmy Griffin / November 15, 2023

Oregon Drug Legalization Predictably Backfires

Now the state’s enlightened residents are left picking up the pieces.

Nate Jackson / November 10, 2023

Why Is ObamaCare Still So Terrible?

Bloated government plays a huge role, of course, but so does the increasing girth of Americans.

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