Right Analysis   /   Energy
Douglas Andrews / May 4, 2023

The Unabashed Idiocy of Deb Haaland

Joe Biden’s interior secretary made clear she couldn’t care less about blue-collar jobs or America’s growing dependence on communist China.

Douglas Andrews / May 3, 2023

Prepare for a Jolt to Your Power Bill

Joe Biden’s latest energy regulations are shaping up to be his costliest yet.

John Stossel / April 19, 2023

Save the Planet, Invest in Fossil Fuels

Allowing billions of the world’s poor to live a modern life requires energy from gas, oil and even coal.

Political Editors / April 19, 2023

In Brief: A Texas-Sized Energy Fiasco

Austin passes subsidies for gas power to counter wind-power subsidies that have destabilized the state electric grid.

Michael Swartz / March 28, 2023

Another Unintended Effect of EVs

Those electric cars are really fantastic … until you have an accident and it ends up totaled.

Political Editors / March 28, 2023

In Brief: Why We Can’t Go Green Without Nuclear Energy

You cannot have a serious conversation about green energy without discussing nuclear power.

Political Editors / March 27, 2023

In Brief: Why Wind and Solar Will Never Work

It isn’t feasible, and the people who are getting rich on the “green” fraud know it.

Douglas Andrews / March 14, 2023

Is Biden Really Drilling the Greens?

The administration’s approval of a huge new energy project has angered the environmentalists.

Brian Mark Weber / February 17, 2023

EVs: An Expensive Way to Virtue Signal

They may be growing in popularity, but electric vehicles aren’t all they’re cracked up to be.

Political Editors / February 10, 2023

In Brief: Five Reasons EVs Are a Boondoggle

Joe Biden touted electric vehicles as the solution to climate change again Tuesday night during his State of the Union address.

Brian Mark Weber / January 27, 2023

The Strategic Petroleum Republicans

The GOP has come up with legislation to force Biden’s hand when it comes to the nation’s oil.

Michael Swartz / January 17, 2023

Biden’s Green Energy Winners and Losers

The ultimate goal of the administration’s war on natural gas is to dictate the way you live your life.

Douglas Andrews / December 19, 2022

How ‘Green’ Energy Poisons African Children

When it comes to their “green” agenda, Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats are quite content to let others despoil the planet on our behalf.

Douglas Andrews / December 14, 2022

A Fusion Breakthrough That Could Change Everything

At California’s Lawence Livermore Laboratory, scientists have taken a monumental step toward harnessing the clean and abundant energy source that powers the sun.

Stephen Moore / December 13, 2022

The Night the Lights Went Out in Europe

Euroland has been thrust into an epic energy crisis.

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