Right Analysis   /   Energy
Emmy Griffin / December 6, 2023

Chinese Green and Smog

China is happy to produce green energy as long as the West ignores its ever-more aggressive steps in Southeast Asia.

Jack DeVine / December 6, 2023

A Climate of Winners and Losers

Climate change and green energy are not idle chatter. International speechifying begets public policy, which affects real people in real ways.

Thomas Gallatin / November 14, 2023

Another Setback for Biden’s Green Dream

A first-of-its-kind small nuclear power plant project just got the axe.

Stephen Moore / October 31, 2023

The Great ‘Green Energy Transition’ That Wasn’t

You can’t bribe Americans to buy cars they don’t want.

Political Editors / October 27, 2023

Mega-Jolt: The Costs and Logistics of Plugging in EVs

Government is pump in billions of dollars to build out a massive national infrastructure of charging stations.

Douglas Andrews / October 4, 2023

Biden’s Green Grid Lunacy

A 17-year permitting process is just one of the hurdles confronting this president’s fantastical dream of a “green” energy future.

Michael Barone / September 28, 2023

The Problems With Net Zero

Working-class voters see Democrats not offering them free stuff, but instead piling on costs and preventing them from buying things they want.

Thomas Gallatin / September 25, 2023

Big Problems With Biden’s High-Priced Diesel Fuel

Joe Biden’s restrictive energy policies are creating higher costs for all consumers.

Emmy Griffin / September 13, 2023

Energy Secretary’s Not-So-Excellent EV Adventure

It’s rather amusing when promoting electric vehicles goes spectacularly wrong.

Michael Swartz / September 12, 2023

Cali-Style Blackouts Deep in the Heart of Texas?

The energy-rich state is oddly dependent on renewables, which are utterly dependent on the weather.

Nate Jackson / September 7, 2023

The Green New War on Alaskan Oil

Just as Biden promised, he’s doing everything he can to thwart oil drilling and energy independence.

Political Editors / August 23, 2023

In Brief: Self-Defeating Environmentalism

The Biden administration claims to seek an “energy transition” while impeding acquisition of the minerals that will fuel it.

Stephen Moore / August 22, 2023

Why Has Biden Declared War on Natural Gas?

There’s really no good answer.

Brian Mark Weber / August 11, 2023

Is Wind Wearing Out Its Welcome?

From high costs to inefficiency to environmental impact, wind power is finally getting some much-needed scrutiny.

Michael Reagan / May 12, 2023

AOC and the War on Our Appliances

Green New Dealers are a bunch of dangerous religious nuts who are armed with a lot of government power they shouldn’t have.

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