Right Analysis   /   Satire
The Babylon Bee / July 26, 2024

Criminals in Congress Begin Helpfully Holding Signs to Identify Themselves

“What a great idea by Representative Tlaib!”

The Babylon Bee / July 15, 2024

FBI Wonders if Perhaps They’ve Been Investigating the Wrong People This Whole Time

Director Christopher Wray briefly pondered how the agency had failed to stop so many violent criminals.

Roger Helle / July 8, 2024

‘Let’s Give Joe Another Chance!’

Warning: Sarcasm alert!

The Babylon Bee / June 24, 2024

‘Keep Religion Out of Our Schools,’ Says Teacher With BLM, Pride Flags in Classroom

“There is absolutely no call for any sort of religion to be represented or displayed in a public school classroom — ever!”

The Babylon Bee / May 31, 2024

Donald Trump Found Guilty of Being Donald Trump

“There wasn’t any way he could sit there being Donald Trump and just get away with it.”

The Babylon Bee / May 17, 2024

‘Harrison Butker Does Not Reflect Our Values,’ Says League of Woman Beaters

“We sincerely apologize for Butker’s inexcusable support for family values.”

The Babylon Bee / May 8, 2024

For Greater Inclusivity, Boy Scouts of America Removes Every Word in Name Except ‘Of’

“We feel this is the best way to completely torpedo any remaining relevance scouting had.”

The Babylon Bee / April 26, 2024

Hamas Thanks College Student Supporters by Promising Them a Quick Death During Global Intifada

“Maybe it will only hurt for a second. But that’s it. It’s the least we could do.”

The Babylon Bee / April 24, 2024

Columbia Protestors Clarify They Only Want Death to America After America Is Done Paying Their Student Loans

Protestors also called for the death of Elon Musk, but only after they get a Tesla.

The Babylon Bee / April 15, 2024

World in Shock as Murderous Terrorist State Ignores Warning From Impotent Old Man

“Biden is prepared to withhold the Iranian leader’s evening treat or even his screen time.”

The Babylon Bee / April 1, 2024

Biden Condemns Jesus for Rising Again on Trans Day of Visibility

“Who does this Jesus think he is?” shouted an angry Biden.

The Babylon Bee / March 25, 2024

National Guardsman Being Trampled by Migrants Glad to Hear We’re Not Being Invaded

“Calling it an invasion would be racist and xenophobic. Are you racist and xenophobic?”

The Babylon Bee / March 13, 2024

Millions of British Kids Forced to Live Normal, Happy Lives After UK Bans Puberty Blockers

Experts warn that without delayed puberty, British kids will grow normally.

The Babylon Bee / March 11, 2024

Oscars Observes Moment of Silence for Undocumented Murderer Tragically Called ‘Illegal’

“No one is illegal,” said a tearful Jimmy Kimmel as the murderer’s picture was displayed.

The Babylon Bee / February 21, 2024

Another Democrat Attempts to Purchase a Black Man

“It’s time for us to stop pretending to be in favor of freedom, tolerance, and open-mindedness.”

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