The Demos’ Widening Voter Disconnect and Divide
Leftist elites are increasingly disengaged from the Grassroots Americans they repeatedly disparage.
“It should be the highest ambition of every American to extend his views beyond himself, and to bear in mind that his conduct will not only affect himself, his country, and his immediate posterity; but that its influence may be co-extensive with the world, and stamp political happiness or misery on ages yet unborn.” —George Washington (1789)
Four decades ago, Ronald Reagan remarked, “The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.”
He was much too kind.
Given the deliberate profusion of mass political deception in this era — most recently perpetrated by Kamala Harris, her socialist Demo cadres, and their Leftmedia talkingheads and scribes, combined with the systemic suppression of free speech — it is no wonder that so many leftist Demos know “so much that isn’t so.”
Harris has a long and prolific record of lying, as is the case with Joe Biden, who leads the Demos’ cavalry of “lying dog-faced pony soldiers.” And they, along with Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama before them, have led their constituency down a dark path of deceit over the last 16 years.
The presidential victory of Donald Trump and JD Vance a week ago was the biggest comeback in presidential history. It was even more so given that over the last four years, Democrats had rigged the election process for what they believed would set up a sure win for the Harris/Walz ticket.
Those machinations notwithstanding, Trump somehow dodged another bullet — and, by extension, so did all Americans who love our country and embrace our legacy of Liberty.
The Trump/Vance victory is a testament, first and foremost, to a groundswell of grassroots American Patriots who supported them. They won the electoral vote 312 to 226 and have a lead in the popular vote (as of this writing, 76,562,000 to 73,941,000), which I hope they will if California (still only 94% counted) ever completes its vote count.
So, what did Demos miss in their arrogant rush to broad-brush Trump and his grassroots American supporters as “bitter, deplorable, racist, misogynist, fascist, garbage”?

How did Demos miss the fact that Trump and Vance would broadly increase their voter constituency demographics with Latino/Hispanic voters (+13%), black voters (+5% — with 30% of black male voters under age 45), Asian voters (+5%), young voters (+6%), male voters (+3%), and, most notably, with female voters (+2% — and a 52% majority of white female voters)?
While Harris predictably won 54% percent of female voters, which was offset by Trump’s win of 54% of male voters, when compared to Biden’s 2020 support from suburban and college-educated women — Democrats’ most loyal constituency — Harris lost ground with that demographic.
The Trump ticket won 13% of black voters and 45% of Latino/Hispanic voters, which is a big increase from 2020 when Trump won 8% of black voters and 32% of Latinos. The increases were primarily among black and Latino/Hispanic men.
How did Demos miss that the Trump ticket would win 58% of Catholic voters nationwide? The 18-point margin was the largest voting gap in decades.
How did they miss that Trump would earn a “YUGE” 50% increase in support from Jewish voters in New York, winning about 45% of that vote compared to just 30% in 2020? Who would have thought they would support the “NAZI Party”? Predictably, Trump lost deep-blue New York with only 44% of the vote, but that was a 12-point improvement over 2020. Of course, Peanut the squirrel and Fred the raccoon helped Trump win over more New Yorkers.
Heck, even the Amish were campaigning hard against Harris, which helped Trump and Vance win Pennsylvania.
And in California, where some big chunks of blue are turning red, Harris’s hometown voters booted “progressive” politicos — apparently, woke is broke.
Then there’s Harris’s sidekick, Tim Walz, of stolen valor infamy. He lost his home county in rural Minnesota, and he also lost the county of his birth and youth, Cuming County, Nebraska, by a 60-point margin.
Get this: Trump and Vance were outspent almost 4-to-1 by Harris’s leftist billionaires and their collaborators, Harris spending more than $1.1 billion and ending up tens of millions in debt. This from the candidate who was going to “fix our economy.”
But that phony promise could not overcome the words Trump wisely borrowed from Ronald Reagan’s 1980 campaign: “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?”
Notably, one thing Demos did not miss in this election, because it is integral to their strategy to rig future elections, is that of all the states Harris won, only two, New Hampshire and Rhode Island, require a photo ID to vote.

Attempting to get to the bottom of what they missed leading to Harris’s defeat, predictably, Demos formed a circular firing squad, blaming each other. But the fact is, they are ALL to blame.
Most media elite have resorted to blaming those stupid deplorables, claiming they are just too ignorant to know what they were doing. The Left-elite is casting post-election denigration on the ranks of those who don’t live in their gated communities and belong to their exclusive clubs.
Summing up that assessment, Demo lunatic strategist James Carville circled back to the fascist and NAZI explanation: “This guy got 50%! OK? You could make the argument Hitler never got 33[%]. OK? This is — this is frightening that we would get here.”
But Carville then joined the suicide circle: “All of the Washington-based Democrats farting around, going to wine and cheese parties, and talking about how misogynistic the race was — get your ass out of Washington, and go work on a 2026 campaign and do penance to make up for your [GD] arrogance and stupidity. … We told you this identity s**t was [a] disaster. We told you to get out in front of public safety issues. You didn’t.”
Exhibiting a more reasoned 20/20 hindsight evaluation, the Demo Party’s elder socialist, Sen. Bernie Sanders, declared: “It should come as no great surprise that a Democratic Party which has abandoned working class people would find that the working class has abandoned them. While the Democratic leadership defends the status quo, the American people are angry and want change. And they’re right.”
Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison called Sanders’s remarks “straight up BS” and insisted that Biden was “the most-pro worker President of my life time.” If the “Biden/Harris economy” is indicative of what he means by “pro worker,” Harrison is locked in a Beltway echo chamber.
Pramila Jayapal, chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, agreed with Sanders, concluding, “We have become a party of elites, whether we abandoned working-class people, whether they abandoned us, whether it’s some combination of all of the above.”
For much that reason, former DNC Chair Donna Brazile noted, “Donald Trump had a relationship with the American people that we could not break.”
Notably, another big loser was Barack Obama, whose relentless effort to “fundamentally change America” was also on the ballot. Obama issued a post-election statement that, of course, made no mention of his failed record as a queen-maker.
But Obama’s former chief strategist, David Axelrod, muddled through an indictment of the Democrat Party similar to that of Sanders and Jayapal: “I think we owe people the respect for what they do and what they mean, you know, and all these blue-collar workers and people who do things with their hands in the back, they make this country go. [They] feel like they are thought of as less and that their priorities are not the priorities of the Democratic Party.”
The reason for that, as Axelrod concluded, is the Democrat Party “itself has increasingly become a smarty-pants, suburban, college-educated party, and it lends itself to the kind of backlash that we’ve seen.”
Notably, Axelrod’s comments about “all these blue-collar workers and people who do things with their hands” are drenched with evidence of how detached he and his left-elite ilk have become from the Americans they purport to represent. I suspect Axelrod, like most white-privilege suburban Demos, does not have one substantive personal relationship with any “deplorable.”
But it was Biden who best summed up the problem, saying, “It’s been a historic presidency,” as in historically inept on every level. He added, “Much of the work we’ve done is already being felt by the American people.” That is precisely why the Harris/Walz ticket lost.
Bottom line: Demos, blinded by their own arrogant light, missed two critical things in this election.
First, they could not hide Trump’s considerable and well-documented record of domestic and foreign policy successes when he was president. Nor could they detach Harris from the abysmal Biden/Harris record of policy failures, especially their long list of disastrous foreign policy decisions over the last almost four years.
Second, and most important, what Democrats missed was the reemerging Reagan voter coalition, which had been squandered by George H.W. Bush by 1992.
That grassroots constituency, our Patriot Post constituency, is the bedrock foundation of our nation — the legacy descendants of generations of Patriots who have embraced and defended American Liberty since the dawn of our nation’s formation. These are the people Democrats discounted. Thus, they did not see us coming to take back our country.

We are mothers, fathers, and other family members nurturing the next generation of young Patriots. We are farmers, craftsmen, tradesmen, mechanics, millworkers, and industrial producers. We are small and large business owners, service providers, and professionals in medicine and law. We are employees and employers. We are in ministry at home and missionaries abroad. We are students and professors at colleges and universities, often standing alone for what is good and right.
We are Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen among the more than 41 million Veterans who have served our nation since the American Revolution, standing in harm’s way at home and around the world, bound until death by our sacred oath “to support and defend” our Constitution and the Republic it created.
We are first responders and public servants dedicated to others before self.
We are consumers and taxpayers.
We are not defined by race, gender, creed, ethnicity, religion, wealth, education, geography, or political affiliation, which the Left uses to divide the nation.
We are Patriot sons and daughters from all walks of life, heirs to the blessings of Liberty bequeathed to us at great personal cost by our Patriot forebearers, confirmed in the opinion that it is our duty to God and Country to extend that blessing to our posterity, and avowed upon our sacred honor to that end.
We are bound by our “sacred honor” to that end. We will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER give up or give in.
We are vigilant, strong, prepared, and faithful.
What the Democrats missed in their disconnect and alienation of average Americans, whom they incessantly disparage, is that, once again, we have had enough.
In 1964, Ronald Reagan issued a clarion call for Liberty in his most famous speech, “A Time for Choosing.” He echoed the commands of Captain John Parker at Lexington Green in 1775: “There is a point beyond which they must not advance.” Reagan concluded, “You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We’ll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we’ll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.”
In this most recent election, a majority of Americans have risen again, inspired by Donald Trump and JD Vance, to choose every day between Liberty and tyranny, between prosperity and poverty.
Just ahead of the presidential election, Kamala Harris declared, “There is an overwhelming call for a fresh start.”
Turns out, she was right.
But reports about the death of the Democrat Party being propagated by some political analysts on the Right are bunk. The Demos are regrouping and will be back with a vengeance before the 2026 midterms.
However, the counteroffensive has begun, and I project that the next two years of the Trump/Vance administration are going to be a good layup for those midterms.
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Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776
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