July 31, 2024

Who Is the REAL Kamala Harris?

“There are two words to describe Kamala Harris: vicious and dumb. It’s a bad combination.”

“In the midst of these pleasing ideas we should be unfaithful to ourselves if we should ever lose sight of the danger to our liberties if anything partial or extraneous should infect the purity of our free, fair, virtuous, and independent elections.” —John Adams (1787)

After Joe Biden announced he was forced to vacate his 2024 reelection campaign, completing the long-planned Big Swap, he was lauded by his sycophantic cadres of “useful idiots,” who proclaimed him a great statesman. They insisted that “President Democracy,” who nullified 14 million primary votes and duped all his dullard constituents by withdrawing after the Demo primary, was the George Washington of our time.

Of course, Biden is actually the LBJ of our day, the latter having also withdrawn from his reelection bid because there was little chance he would be reelected. And Kamala Harris has been his B-team bench warmer for the whole slide.

Maybe it’s just coincidence that LBJ withdrew ahead of the 1968 Demo convention in Chicago, which was besieged with protesters, but the Demos are again holding their convention in Chicago. And given the rise of insidious anti-Semitic protests by Demo adolescents supporting Hamas terrorists, the 1968 optics of protesters battling police may come back to haunt Demo conventioneers.

Foreshadowing what we can expect from her, Harris declared after Biden’s withdrawal, “In one term, he has already surpassed the legacy of most presidents who served two terms in office.” Well, if by “legacy” she means their long legacy of domestic and foreign policy failures, about which he has lied profusely, she is right.

And we can expect that slide to accelerate under a Harris administration.

So, who is Harris?

Short answer: Every bit the appeasing puppet Biden has been — and, let me add, just as tone-deaf.

Consider this: While the Olympic opening ceremony featured a bizarre group of gender-confused drag queens mocking Christians, Harris’s opening campaign ceremony included an appearance with a bizarre group of drag queens on “RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars.”

But that is an example of what Harris is — a pandering shill — not who she is.

The first thing most informed voters already know about Harris is that she checked two very important “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” virtue-signaling boxes to become Biden’s VP — the all-important “female” and “African American” boxes. (Yes, I know, “informed voters” is an oxymoron when referencing Demo constituents.)

Despite protest to the contrary, Biden clearly and repeatedly has declared Harris was a DEI hire. In 2019 he said that his VP would be “will be someone who was of color and/or a different gender.” Recently, Biden reiterated that point regarding Harris: “To me, the values of diversity, equality, inclusion are literally — and this is not kidding — the core strengths of America. That’s why I’m proud to have the most diverse administration in history that taps into the full talents of our country. And it starts at the top with the Vice President.”

Sidebar: If DEI is such a good thing, why are Demos declaring Harris was not a DEI hire?

As for that “female” box, apparently binary gender does matter to Democrats given that women are their largest voter bloc — Demo strategists dependably know their female constituents are emotionally incontinent idiots and will, like lemmings, vote for the Demo nominee.

Majorities of women voters are responsible for the election of every Demo president since John F. Kennedy. For every conservative woman reading this, thank you for standing against that loud leftist female tide. I have watched my wife endure the strain, and you have my gratitude.

As for that “African American” box, despite the fact that Harris’s parents were from India and Jamaica, the hyphenating race-bait Demo Party ran her as the first “African American” candidate for vice president and now president. Why? Fact is, she is more “Indian-American” or “Asian American.”

She declared in 2019 ahead of her own failed presidential primary campaign, “I’m black, and I’m proud of being black. I was born black. I will die black, and I’m not going to make excuses for anybody because they don’t understand.” But a few years earlier she was widely heralded as the first “Indian-American” elected to the Senate. So which is it?

So which is it, black or Indian?

Moreover, the Demo cancel culture mobs should have disqualified her before the 2020 election, because she is the direct descendant of white slave traders.

In 2018, her father published an essay on her family lineage, “Reflections of a Jamaican Father,” in which he notes his prominent ancestral “slave owner” by the name of Hamilton Brown, an Irishman who enslaved many black people in Jamaica on his sugar plantations. Harris also has other white Irish ancestors, so she is in fact more Indian/Asian than “black.” Of course, Asians are considered by black folks to be a “privileged minority,” so running as “the first Indian or Asian American candidate” does not fit the narrative Harris wants to project.

But, it’s not too late to charge up the cancel culture machine.

To be plain about it, Harris was a DEI hire.

The second thing most informed voters know about Harris is that she is the grand master chef of word salads, defined as “unintelligible, extremely disorganized speech or writing manifested as a symptom of a mental disorder.” Samples of mental disorder can be found here and here.

But suffice it to say, as Harris recently did, “I think it’s very important … for us at every moment in time and certainly this one, to see the moment in time in which we exist and are present.”

The New York Times spins her salad-making as “celebratory artifacts,” insisting that “Harris now presides over a post-coherence landscape.” And doesn’t that best describe her constituency!

Harris inadvertently summed up her constituent-making machine in her explanation of Artificial Intelligence: “It’s about machine learning, and so, the machine is taught — and part of the issue here is what information is going into the machine that will then determine — and we can predict then, if we think about what information is going in, what then will be produced in terms of decisions and opinions that may be made through that process.”

OK, so who is the REAL Kamala Harris?

Since Google searches for “Donald Trump” are returning more results for “Kamala Harris,” here is what those results will NOT tell you about Harris — things that are not on her official White House bio.

According to Donald Trump, “There are two words to describe Kamala Harris: vicious and dumb. It’s a bad combination.”

I could just end there, but for the benefit of those who don’t know, here is what you need to know about Harris’s formative roots…

Harris is not the product of poor and unwed parents, as was the case with Barack Obama. But like Obama, she only had one mostly black parent, and her parents divorced when she was seven, which is why her early years were in California but her formative years were spent in Canada.

Her mother, Shyamala Gopalan, was a student who moved to California from India as a 19-year-old graduate student in 1958.

Gopalan’s citizenship status when Harris was born is disputed, giving rise to that pesky constitutional question about Harris’s eligibility to be president. But asking that question will get you a lightning-fast smackdown from all the so-called “fact-checkers” who insist the birthright citizenship question is settled. You know, they insist anything they don’t want to debate is “settled.”

The question about Harris’s citizenship is actually much more legitimate than the spurious and distracting questions about Obama’s citizenship before he was elected.

Harris’s father, Donald Harris, ultimately became a Stanford University professor advocating socialist ideology, but he also came to the U.S. as a student from Jamaica in 1961. The Stanford Daily described Harris as a “Marxist scholar” whose tenure was being questioned because he was “a pied piper leading students astray from neo-Classical economics.”

Donald and Shyamala met in 1962 while attending a “black study group.” That group was actually the Afro-American Association, black supremacists who championed Fidel Castro and Che Guevara. (Shades of Barack Obama’s influential Marxist mentors.)

The irony that the Harrises would end up aligned with the socialist Democrat Party, as it is the architect of white supremacy and enslaves millions of poor people today, is rich.

Harris’s parents were married in 1963, and she was born in October of ‘64.

When Harris was two, both her parents took jobs at the University of Illinois, and then, for reasons that are not clear, cycled through a succession of jobs at other universities in the Midwest. After a few years of that, Shyamala, Kamala, and her little sister separated from Don and moved back to California in 1970. They were divorced a year later.

Shyamala then moved the kids to Quebec, Canada, where Kamala spent her formative years, graduating high school in 1981.

Harris graduated from second- and third-tier colleges, Howard University (after two years at Vanier College in Montreal) and UC Hastings Law School, after which she failed the California bar exam on her first pass. She then spent a few years working in the office of Oakland’s district attorney.

So how did she get from there to here?

There is an old adage: “If you come across a turtle on a post, you know it didn’t get up there on its own. It doesn’t belong there, it’s elevated beyond its ability to function, it doesn’t know what to do there, and you gotta wonder what idiot would put it there.”

In 1994, Harris began an adulterous affair with powerful California Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, who was 30 years older than Harris and still married at the time Harris became what local media called “the speaker’s new steady.”

This relationship exemplifies who Harris is at her core. Like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, she is the product of a badly broken home. I should add that no child deserves delinquent parents, and, consequently, a degree of compassion is in order.

Harris exhibits the unresolved pathology of a girl abandoned by her father at an early age, and has no children of her own.

Suffering from “daddy deficit,” a common ailment of girls abandoned by their fathers, Harris owes her career launch to Brown’s “helping hand.” He appointed her to two “patronage jobs,” as it was described by the San Francisco Chronicle, the latter paying $100,000 — big bucks in 1995. (Notably, Brown was the subject of multiple FBI investigations regarding his political appointments.)

Thus, Brown launched this post turtle’s career.

Harris certainly did not let the age gap interfere with the DEI (didn’t earn it) doors Brown could open for her.

Brown, who then became mayor of San Francisco, undoubtedly paved the political path for Harris’s first big elective position a decade later — district attorney of San Francisco. Asked about Brown’s patronage appointments, Harris responded, “Whether you agree or disagree with the system, I did the work.”

Well, as Democrats are fond of saying, “Sex work is real work.”

Conservative lawyer and commentator Clay Travis notes, “Democrats spent eight years telling us Trump’s alleged sex with a porn star was major news. So how is Kamala Harris starting her career in politics as the side chick of the married mayor of San Francisco not a hugely important story?”

Kyle Mann, the editor-in-chief of our favorite satire partner in crime, The Babylon Bee, adds, “Kamala is inspiring young women everywhere that they too can sleep with a politician, jail black people for smoking weed, get destroyed in the primary, and still get nominated for president.”

Notably, Brown was also kingmaker for Gov. Gavin Newsom, who, like Brown, was also an adulterer. Newsom carried on an affair with the wife of his campaign manager while he was married to Kimberly Guilfoyle.

Harris served as San Fran DA until 2011 before being succeeded by an equally corrupt leftist, George Gascon, backed by billionaire leftist George Soros, the latter of whom is now backing Harris big time.

She then was appointed by Gov. Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown as California attorney general in 2011, where she served until he paved her political path to replace retiring Sen. Barbara Boxer. She resigned her Senate seat just before ascending to her next post, the vice presidency, in 2021.

In 2014, Harris married leftist “white privilege” lawyer, Douglas Emhoff, who is actually her age (now 59). Among other things, his firm specialized in business with the Red Chinese. Perhaps this is what former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo meant about the Red Chinese being “inside the gates.”

Notably, given Harris’s penchant for philandering husbands and the focus on her campaign, and by extension now Emhoff, he just admitted to cheating on his first wife, reportedly impregnating their nanny.

The Harrises live in a posh multimillion-dollar Brentwood mansion and list millions in assets. Kamala’s net worth is estimated at $6.3 million.

Of course, they now live in much more expensive digs, funded entirely by the American taxpayer! So much for a connection to working-class blacks, who constitute one of the Democrats’ most loyal constituencies.

In 2017, after six years as California attorney general under Governor Moonbeam, she succeeded California leftist Senator Barbara Boxer to serve with aging Senator Dianne Feinstein. Harris made a name for herself by leading the disgraceful Senate mob’s obstructionist confirmation hearings of now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Notably, after Harris was elected to the Senate, she appointed a Marxist sympathizer, Karine Jean-Pierre, as her chief of staff. Among other Marxist groups, Jean-Pierre was active with the NHaiti Support Network, which modeled policies after the communist Workers World Party.

Before the 2020 Democrat presidential primary, Harris’s hopes were dashed as she got no traction, and withdrew. In February, Biden won a landslide victory in the South Carolina Democrat primary, largely the result of his endorsement by leftist Demo Rep. Jim Clyburn. It was Clyburn who then insisted Biden should choose a black woman for his ticket, saying, “African American women needed to be rewarded for their loyalty.”

Ironically, Willie Brown advised Harris to pass on Biden’s offer to join his ticket, but Biden’s “daddy deficit” appeal was too alluring.

After the dust settled around the 2020 election, the Biden/Harris regime has proven to be an amalgam of failed presidential fumbles.

There are detailed personal profiles and policy primers of Harris as VP, but in short, she’s to the left of Bernie Sanders and her East Coast mentor, that celebrated Native American Elizabeth Warren.

Fast-forward to Biden turning the keys to the kingdom over to clueless Harris.

Regarding Harris’s role in keeping one of the worst-kept secrets in the history of American politics quiet — that Biden was cognitively disabled — Gov. Ron DeSantis summed up the Republican indictment of her: “Kamala Harris was complicit in a massive coverup to hide and deny the fact that Joe Biden was not capable of discharging the duties of the office. Democrats are just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.”

And despite the fact that Biden nullified 14 million primary votes to “secure democracy,” Harris was out stumping this week, insisting her administration will “make sure every vote counts.”

Harris is charging forward. She arrived with a ready-made war chest, and because so many BIG Demo donors were withholding support from Biden, within 24 hours of her official campaign announcement they ponied up more than $230 million for her campaign, much of which she will spend in swing states touting herself as the law-abiding prosecutor and Trump as the convicted felon.

Between now and November, her adoring Leftmedia publicists will be circling the wagons as they completely reinvent her record, especially her role as Biden’s “border czar,” which they are desperately trying to whitewash. Harris oversaw Biden’s deadly open border policy.

As Astead Herndon notes in the The New York Times, “Ms. Harris has reversed several policy positions from her time in the 2020 presidential race, making clear that she no longer supports a single-payer, ‘Medicare for All’-style health insurance system; a fracking ban; or mandatory gun buybacks.”

The youngest member of our Patriot Post Team, Caleb Nunes observed: “Harris has virtually secured her party’s nomination without even describing a single one of her policy positions. On her campaign website, there is no page dedicated to outlining her plans for healthcare, taxes, immigration, energy, or any substantive policy issue. What you can find on her website, however, are highlights about the various glass ceilings she has broken.”

Beyond the whitewash of her record, there are a plethora of other profoundly stupid things Harris has said as VP, demonstrating her unmitigated historical revisionism. Among them would be her comparison of the J6 protests with infinitely more consequential events in U.S. history: “Certain dates echo throughout history … when our democracy came under assault. Dates that occupy not only a place on our calendars but a place in our collective memory. December 7, 1941. September 11, 2001, and January 6, 2021.”


Harris’s entire campaign hinges on two strategies.

First, and most important, her campaign has adopted Barack Obama’s successful 2008 strategy to obscure who she really is.

Ahead of Obama’s election in 2008, in a column entitled “Obama’s Audacity of Deception Strategy,” I noted: “If you are perplexed by the number of Americans who have embraced Barack Obama with a degree of admiration that is associated with personality cults, I refer you to his own lucid explanation for this phenomenon in the opening pages of his political autobiography, The Audacity of Hope. Obama wrote, "I am new enough on the national political scene that I serve as a blank screen on which people of vastly different political stripes project their own views.”

This is precisely why Harris has avoided media interviews since the day she. It is why she has refused all but one local solo media interview since she executed the Democrat Party’s scripted plan to punt Joe Biden to the curb.

The less people know about her, the more she is a “blank screen” upon which voters can “project their own views.”

This is the “joy” candidate, who professes to fix all that is troubling the electorate on her first day in office, as if that was not almost four years ago. This is also why she keeps repeating the same scripted template when speaking.

Second, vilify Donald Trump by casting him as a “threat to democracy.”

Given Trump’s considerable and documented record of domestic and foreign policy successes, as diametrically opposed to the Biden/Harris regime’s abysmal record of domestic and foreign policy failures, she has nothing else to run on other than vilifying her opponent.

And her faux “democracy” rhetoric she uses to frame Trump, is calculated to undermined the fact that we are a Constitutional Republic. Harris knows that our Constitution is the greatest obstacle to the Demos’ authoritarian agenda, and they are endeavoring in every way possible way to subvert it.

Of course Demos also know that the vast majority of their constituents are too civically disabled to distinguish between a Republic and a democracy, much less discern the danger posed by “democracy.”

(Watch a great Harris campaign parody here.)

Finally, a warning from George Washington in his Farewell Address regarding political parties and corrupt politicians: “They are likely … to become potent engines by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people, and to usurp for themselves the reins of government…” That, my friends, is Kamala Harris and her cadres.

Next week: After assuring you back in October of 2022 that Biden would not be the nominee, I am going to take on the question of Trump vs. Harris, and where we are likely to land in November.

UPDATE: Apparently Trump got the memo on Harris’s racial identity swap, as noted above. Speaking at the National Association of Black Journalists’ annual convention, Trump said: “I didn’t know she was black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black and now she wants to be known as black. So I don’t know, is she Indian, or is she Black? I respect either one but she obviously doesn’t because she was Indian all the way and then all of a sudden she made a turn and she became a black person. And I think somebody should look into that, too.”

Harris’s spokes-parrot Karine Jean-Pierre, called Trump’s remark “repulsive and insulting,” and declared: “No one has any right to tell someone who they are, how they identify. She is the vice president of the United States. We have to put some respect on her name, period.” This from a lesbian who thinks people have the right to identify as a gender other than their actual gender, and demand you use the pronouns of their choice.

Footnote: Since Harris is hiding behind the Leftmedia curtain, refusing interviews and having her few economic proposals panned by both left and right side analysts, the RNC launched a website listing Harris’s policy record.


Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776

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