Joe Biden’s Disgraceful Departure
To clean up the mess Biden made, Trump must also clean up the mess that made Biden.
“Ignorance will be the dupe of cunning; and passion the slave of sophistry and declamation.” —James Madison
As Donald Trump was preparing to leave office in January 2021, it was clear that Joe Biden’s “victory” in the 2020 election was fabricated from three dark political strategies.
The first was collaboration between Democrat Party socialists and their deep state operatives to undermine Trump’s presidency — seeded by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton hacks even before Trump’s 2016 election. The second factor was the Demos’ successful strategy to ignite and choreograph their constituents’ violent “summer of rage” riots nationwide three months before the election, based on the deceit of their “systemic racism” lie. The third and most effective was the Demos’ strategy to use the ChiCom Virus pandemic to justify their massive bulk-mail ballot fraud strategy.
This trio combined as a three-strike Trump takedown.
For this reason, I have argued since Trump’s historic 2024 comeback, that he and JD Vance would be tasked with more than the formidable challenge of cleaning up the domestic and foreign policy mess that Biden and Harris made. In order to restore Trump’s successful domestic and foreign policy strategies, Trump will also have to clean up the mess that made Biden and Harris.
Biden’s final actions while exiting the White House exemplified the corruption of his entire presidency. It is no small irony that Biden would leave office on Martin Luther King Day because, over the past five decades, Biden and his fellow Democrats have turned MLK’s dream into a nightmare for tens of millions of Americans.
Biden’s dark “oligarchy” farewell address was a bookend to a career of unmitigated lies, including the BIG Lie that Trump was backed by more billionaires than Harris. In fact, according to a pre-election review of federal election records, “At least 83 billionaires — two of them centibillionaires with a net worth of more than $100 billion each — are supporting Harris, while 52 billionaires, one a centibillionaire, back Trump.”
Then there was all the dark money funneled into the Harris campaign by billionaire leftist George Soros and others who backed her after Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Democrat power-brokers booted Biden to the curb.
Biden’s farewell remarks were a metaphorical caricature of the rise of a thuggish political oligarch on the public dole. Likewise, the Oval Office exit interview that followed was equally infused with lies.
There were his delusional claims, including this whopper: “Compared to four years ago, America is stronger. … During my presidency, I’ve increased America’s power in every dimension.”
A day later, “President Democracy” attempted to rewrite our Constitution with a bizarre claim crafted by his leftist puppeteers that the Equal Rights Amendment is now the “law of the land.”

But it was Biden’s unpardonable pardons issued in his final weeks — and final minutes in office — that have drawn the most attention and fire.
Over the last 30 days, when most of the Leftmedia talkingheads and scribes were focused on whether Donald Trump would issue pardons to January 6 protesters, Joe Biden started his pardon party by issuing a get-out-of-jail-free card to Hunter Biden, despite repeatedly promising he would never do that because “No one is above the law.”
That was just another entry to the bottomless list of Biden lies over the course of his last 50 years.
Then, Biden commuted the sentences of 1,499 people and pardoned another 39 convicts to divert the news cycle attention from the corrupt pardon favor for his son. That was followed just before Christmas with his commuting the sentences of 37 of 40 federal death row inmates, some being the most evil people in federal custody.
Biden began the New Year commuting another 2,500 sentences.
Hours before leaving office, despite warnings from Demos not to issue preemptive pardons, Biden issued preemptive pardons for Anthony Fauci, GEN Mark Milley, and the J6 inquisitors, including witness-tampering former Rep. Liz Cheney. “I believe in the rule of law,” said Biden, “but these are exceptional circumstances, and I cannot in good conscience do nothing.”
Finally, just minutes before Trump took his oath of office, Biden extended pardons to his immediate family members — to the astonishment of many of Biden’s Leftmedia defenders, including even CNN leftist Jake Tapper. Apparently, this exceeded even Tapper’s tolerance for hypocrisy. He posted combined links to the Biden family pardons with a link to a 2020 CNN article just before Trump left office, about Biden’s concern that Trump might issue preemptive pardons to family members (which he did not do). According to Biden then: “It concerns me in terms of what kind of precedent it sets and how the rest of the world looks (at) us as a nation of laws and justice. … You’re not going to see, uh, um, in our administration, that kind of approach to pardons.”

Recall also that Trump’s most vociferous critic, then-House member Adam Schiff (D-CA), also voiced in 2020 his concern that Trump would pardon family members, declaring that innocent people don’t need preemptive pardons.
Clearly, the last-minute pardons of Biden’s immediate family members indicate that he was the godfather of the Biden family crime syndicate, and he issued pardons to those closest to him to protect himself.
Of that unprecedented action, political analyst Buck Sexton concluded, “Biden pardoning his whole crime family on the way out the door is the perfect ending to this fetid, corrupt, failed presidency.”
Over the last four years, Biden has now issued pardons and clemencies to more than 10,500 criminals, which is, as he proudly declared, “more individual pardons and commutations than any president in U.S. history.” (For context, Donald Trump issued a total of 237 pardons and clemencies in his first term.)
The big pardon and clemency giveaway was much like his last-minute presidential medals extravaganza when he awarded numerous “trophies” mostly to his disreputable political benefactors.
All this from a man who just claimed, “Telling the truth matters.”
Now, I had hoped to end this assessment of pardons with the above summary of Biden’s actions, which set even leftist heads on fire, but alas, on his first day in office, Trump diverted all the attention from Biden’s pardons to his own.
What happened?
After his inauguration celebration, Trump brilliantly used a political rally to begin signing an extraordinary list of executive orders, first among them being an EO rescinding 78 “Harmful Executive Orders and Actions” by the Biden/Harris regime.
In total, he signed 26 executive orders, 12 memos, and four proclamations.

Of these actions, Trump promised, “We will begin the complete restoration of America and the revolution of common sense.”
All was well and good until after the rally, when Trump signed a proclamation providing blanket pardons and commutations for almost all of those with charges or convictions related to the riot on January 6, 2021.
And just like that, “the revolution of common sense” hit a wall after Trump did what he occasionally does: He snatched defeat from the jaws of victory with an unforced error of the type I first wrote about shortly after Trump took office in 2017.
We all anticipated that Trump would issue pardons for the J6 protesters charged or convicted of nonviolent offenses. Trump said last week, “A vast majority should not be in jail,” and he was correct. He earlier insisted, “If they were nonviolent, I think they’ve been greatly punished.” Again, correct.
Trump then sent JD Vance out to rebut claims that he would pardon those convicted of violent attacks against police. Vance was clear: “Look, if you protested peacefully on January the 6th, and you’ve had Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice treat you like a gang member, you should be pardoned. If you committed violence on that day, obviously, you shouldn’t be pardoned.”
His attorney general nominee also declared that Trump would not release violent offenders, declaring, “I condemn any violence on a law enforcement officer in this country,” adding, “The president does not like people who abuse police officers, either.”
They just got their first taste of what it’s like carrying water for Trump.
Of the 1,583 defendants charged after the January 6 riot, 1,230 had already entered guilty pleas or been convicted — and almost 200 pleas and 220 convictions were for felonies that included assault on police officers.
It’s hard to claim you’re the “Party of Law and Order” after this action, and Republicans were stunned by Trump’s decision. For his part, Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) said the decision fit with his “ethos” and “worldview,” which is that “we believe in redemption, we believe in second chances.” He added: “The president’s made a decision. We move forward. There are better days ahead of us.”
Notably, U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves, who led the J6 prosecutions, said: “A pardon does not wipe away what occurred. There will always be a record of what occurred. There will always be vindication of rule of law, and there’s been substantial accountability for hundreds of people involved in illegal conduct that day.”
So, why did Trump order the release of violent felony offenders among all the other nonviolent offenders — and unfortunately in the process, divert attention from all of Biden’s disgraceful pardons?
First, I think Trump was outraged about the Demo double-standard disparity issue, the politically-motivated J6 “insurrectionist” persecutions.
For context, recall that, while no police officers were killed by J6 protesters (despite continued false assertions to the contrary by Democrats), there were 140 police officers injured that day. By comparison, according to a federal government assessment, “Federal Protective Services, the Secret Service and the Park Police reported that at least 180 officers were injured” six months earlier by actual insurrectionists at Lafayette Square outside the White House. They were violently assaulted by Black Lives Matter radicals and antifa movement fascists who were attempting to establish a “Black House Autonomous Zone.”
But Demos dare not mention the Lafayette Square assaults on officers, because that violence was just one of more than 600 riots nationwide in Democrat-controlled urban centers, by their constituent mobs during their “summer of rage” – the “burn, loot, and murder” insurrections fomented by Biden and his “unity cadres.
All of that violence was the result of Democrats’ pre-2020 election ”systemic racism“ lie, and the consequences, as historian Victor Davis Hanson noted: "100 days of torching federal court houses and police precincts, 700 policeman injured, 40 people dead, $4-$5 billion in damages…”
Among the murdered in those riots were law enforcement officers David Dorn and Dave Patrick Underwood – at the same time Democrats were calling to “defund the police” and vilifying cops.
And recall that at the time of those riots across the nation, Democrat governors and mayors issued police stand-down orders so they faced limited resistance. Of the rioters who were actually arrested … remember these headlines:
In Minnesota, the epicenter of those riots: “Most Charges Against George Floyd Protesters Dropped.”
In New York: “Charges Against Hundreds of NYC Rioters, Looters Have Been Dropped.”
In Oregon: “Portland Drops Charges for 90% Arrested During Recent Riots.”
Apparently, those Demo governors and mayors have the same “catch and release” policy the Biden administration practices with the more than one million immigrants who have crossed our southern border in the last six months.
And in Washington, DC: “Nearly All Rioters Freed from Jail in D.C., Most Avoid Felony Riot Charges.”
Not only did DC release the SJRs (social justice rioters) last year, but recall the violent rioting thugs in our nation’s Capitol protesting Donald Trump’s inauguration in 2017 — of the more than 200 felony indictments, almost all charges were dropped.
However, all those violent insurrectionists were fodder for the Demos’ narrative, so they got a pass. And the resulting surge in violence Demos fomented in 2020 continues today.
But on January 6, 2021, Democrats finally found a riot they could condemn. If not for double standards, Democrats would have NO standards.
And the second reason Trump released all the J6 protestors: Trump knew that the continued prosecution (persecution) of hundreds of protesters, who have been charged but have yet to enter pleas or be convicted, would keep the Demos’ J6 inquisition going for at least another year. Trump wanted to put it behind and, as Johnson said, “move forward.”
Additionally, I think Trump’s decision was a smackdown of his House arch nemesis, Nancy Pelosi, for her histrionic “insurrection inquisition,” and a smackdown of Demos who refused to prosecute, much less even allow a public investigation of, Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd, who killed Ashli Babbitt — the only deadly confrontation that day.
Finally, back to bidding Biden bye-bye.
I am going to end one last time with these words to those who supported the Biden/Harris regime.
The slaughter of tens of thousands of men, women, and children by Islamic extremists in Afghanistan, by Russians attacking Ukraine, and of civilian victims in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is the direct result of Biden’s lethal foreign policy ineptitude.
The violent assaults on thousands of Americans by criminal illegal immigrants are the direct result of “Border Czar” Harris’s lethal open border policy. The drugs flooding across our southern border, resulting in the overdose deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans, is also the direct result of the Biden/Harris open border policy.
The dramatic surge of violent crime across America since 2020 is the direct result of the Biden/Harris appeasement of violent criminals and their defund-police campaign.
The blood of all those victims is indisputably and irrevocably on their hands and those of their dullard supporters who are the staple of the Democrat Party’s “confederacy of dunces.”
Thankfully, America has been “unburdened from what has been!”
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776
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