Reference Pages
Armed Forces Tribute
- Air Force Birthday
- American Patriot: A Father's Farewell
- American Patriot: Brian Chontosh
- American Patriot: Captain Russell B. Rippetoe
- American Patriot: CWO Aaron Weaver
- American Patriot: Freedom Rock
- American Patriot: Marine 1st Sergeant Brad Kasal
- American Patriot: Marine Cpl. Stephen Richard Bixler
- American Patriot: "Missing Man" Formation
- American Patriot: Sgt. Rafael Peralta
- American Patriot: The Fallen
- American Patriot: Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
- American Patriot: Trucker John Holmgren
- Armed Forces Day
- Bronze Star "V" Recipients
- Coast Guard Birthday
- D-Day — Freedom Is NOT Free
- D-Day: On This Day in 1944...
- Did You Get a Good Night's Sleep?
- In Defense of Freedom: American real estate in France
- Marine Corps Birthday
- Memorial Day
- Memorial Day — Honoring American Patriots Who Paid the Ultimate Price for Liberty
- National Medal of Honor Day
- National POW/MIA Recognition Day
- Navy Birthday
- Patriot Armed Forces Tribute: "To support and help me God"
- Patriot Armed Forces Tribute: Until We Meet Again...
- Pericles's Funeral Oration (431 BC)
- Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima
- The Arlington Wreath Project
- The Boy Scouts and Memorial Day
- The Few, the Proud — Iwo Jima
- Veterans Day — Honor and Sacrifice
Second Amendment
- Barack "Skeeter" Obama Punks Gun Owners With Smoke and ... More Smoke
- Becoming a Gun-Owning Patriot
- Charlton Heston on the Second Amendment
- Darrell Scott: Testimony on the Columbine Murders
- Gun Control History
- Mitt Romney's 2012 remarks to the NRA National Convention in St. Louis, Missouri
- Patriots' Day
- Public Statement Issued by Communist Party USA
- Ronald Reagan — The Gun Owner's Champion
- Second Amendment Commentary
- The Battle of Athens
- The Second Amendment: Liberty v Tyranny
On The Right
- 2008 Republican Platform
- 2012 Presidential Candidates
- A Comparison of FairTax, Income Tax, and Flat Tax
- Adm. William H. McRaven Commencement Speech
- Another Time for Choosing
- Bill Cosby: The Truth About Black America
- Boehner's 2010 Pledge to America
- Charlton Heston on the Culture War
- Contract from America
- Election Map 2000
- Election Map 2004 Counties
- Election Map 2004 States
- Federal Discretionary Spending Under Democrat and Republican Congresses (1988-2002)
- Gingrich's Contract With America
- Joe Lieberman: Democrats and Our Enemies
- Memo to the Republican Party: 1984 Election Map
- Mike Pence: The Republican Collapse
- Republican Convention 2008
- Republican Convention 2008: Fred Thompson's Speech
- Republican Convention 2008: Joe Lieberman's Speech
- Republican Convention 2008: John McCain's Speech
- Republican Convention 2008: Mike Huckabee's Speech
- Republican Convention 2008: Mitt Romney's Speech
- Republican Convention 2008: Rudy Giuliani's Speech
- Republican Convention 2008: Sarah Palin's Speech
- Wise Words from The Duke
- Zell Miller (D, GA): A House Divided
- Zell Miller (D, GA): The Democrat Demise (2004)
Ronald Reagan
- About Reagan 2020
- A Portrait of a Great Patriot
- Candidate's Statement On Federalism And The New Republican Party
- Courage
- Executive Order On Federalism
- In Honor of President Ronald Reagan
- Margaret Thatcher and the Revival of the West
- Margaret Thatcher's Eulogy to Ronald Reagan
- Nancy Reagan Biography
- President Reagan's First Inaugural Address
- Reagan Eulogy - Brian Mulroney
- Reagan Eulogy - Dick Cheney
- Reagan Eulogy - George H. W. Bush
- Reagan Eulogy - George W. Bush
- Reagan Eulogy - Margaret Thatcher
- Reagan Record
- Reagan Record - A Capitalist Manifesto
- Reagan Record - Courage
- Reagan Record - Dear Mr. President
- Reagan Record - How Great Was Ronald Reagan?
- Reagan Record - Man of the Century
- Reagan Record - Margaret Thatcher Tribute
- Reagan Record - Reagan Betrayed
- Reagan Record - Reagan in Winter
- Reagan Record - Reagan Record Graph
- Reagan Record - Ten Legacies of Ronald Reagan
- Reagan Record - The Best of Him
- Reagan Record - The Blame-Reagan Shift
- Reagan Record - The Gipper at 90
- Reagan Record - The Reagan of My Youth
- Reagan Record - Where Have You Gone, Ronald Reagan?
- Reagan Speeches
- Reagan Tribute - Ann Coulter
- Reagan Tribute - Becky Norton Dunlop
- Reagan Tribute - Brian Riedl
- Reagan Tribute - Bruce Bartlett
- Reagan Tribute - Dick Armey
- Reagan Tribute - Doug Kern
- Reagan Tribute - Drew Bond
- Reagan Tribute - Edwin J. Feulner
- Reagan Tribute - Edwin Meese III
- Reagan Tribute - George W. Bush
- Reagan Tribute - Helle Dale
- Reagan Tribute - John Fund
- Reagan Tribute - John Micklethwait
- Reagan Tribute - Jonah Goldberg
- Reagan Tribute - Larry Elder
- Reagan Tribute - Lee Edwards
- Reagan Tribute - Lyn Nofziger
- Reagan Tribute - Michael Novak
- Reagan Tribute - Michael Reagan
- Reagan Tribute - Paul Jacob
- Reagan Tribute - Paul Rodriguez
- Reagan Tribute - Peggy Noonan
- Reagan Tribute - Project 21
- Reagan Tribute - Rush Limbaugh
- Reagan Tribute - The Washington Times
- Reagan Tribute - The Weekly Standard
- Reagan Tribute - Tony Blair
- Reagan Tribute - William J. Bennett
- Remembering Reagan - Anne Higgins
- Remembering Reagan - David Gergen
- Remembering Reagan - Donald Devine
- Remembering Reagan - Frank Van Der Linden
- Remembering Reagan - George H.W. Bush
- Remembering Reagan - George P. Shultz
- Remembering Reagan - James G. Watt
- Remembering Reagan - Jim Miller
- Remembering Reagan - Ken Adelman
- Remembering Reagan - Lou Cannon
- Remembering Reagan - Phyllis Schlafly
- Remembering Reagan - Richard Pipes
- Remembering Ronald Reagan
- Ronald Reagan — 1980 Election Eve Speech Draft
- Ronald Reagan - 1992 Republican National Convention
- Ronald Reagan - Address On National Security
- Ronald Reagan — A Final Tribute by John McClaughry
- Ronald Reagan - A Future That Works
- Ronald Reagan - America's Purpose In The World
- Ronald Reagan - Announcement Of Alzheimer's Disease
- Ronald Reagan - Arms Reduction And Nuclear Weapons
- Ronald Reagan – A Time For Choosing
- Ronald Reagan - At The 1994 Gala
- Ronald Reagan - Beirut Embassy Bombing
- Ronald Reagan Biography - 1911-1980
- Ronald Reagan - Brandenburg Gate
- Ronald Reagan - California And The Problem Of Government Growth
- Ronald Reagan - Candidacy Announcement
- Ronald Reagan - Challenger Explosion
- Ronald Reagan - Creators Of The Future
- Ronald Reagan — D-Day 40th Anniversary, Omaha Beach; Normandy, France
- Ronald Reagan — D-Day 40th Anniversary, U.S. Ranger Monument, Pointe Du Hoc; Normandy, France
- Ronald Reagan — Debate With Sen. Robert F. Kennedy
- Ronald Reagan - Defense And National Security
- Ronald Reagan - Economic Recovery Program
- Ronald Reagan Eulogies
- Ronald Reagan - Farewell Speech
- Ronald Reagan - First State Of The Union Address
- Ronald Reagan - Forward For Freedom
- Ronald Reagan - Let Them Go Their Way
- Ronald Reagan - Moscow Commencement
- Ronald Reagan - Nomination Acceptance 1984
- Ronald Reagan - On The Frontier Of Freedom
- Ronald Reagan - Our Noble Vision: An Opportunity For All
- Ronald Reagan - Remarks At CPAC Dinner
- Ronald Reagan - RNC 1976
- Ronald Reagan - Second Inaugural Address
- Ronald Reagan - Soviet Attack On Korean Airliner
- Ronald Reagan - Statement On SDI
- Ronald Reagan - State Of The Union 1983
- Ronald Reagan - State Of The Union 1984
- Ronald Reagan - State Of The Union 1985
- Ronald Reagan - State Of The Union 1986
- Ronald Reagan - State Of The Union 1987
- Ronald Reagan - State Of The Union 1988
- Ronald Reagan - The Agenda Is Victory
- Ronald Reagan - The Evil Empire (1)
- Ronald Reagan - The Evil Empire (2)
- Ronald Reagan - The New Republican Party
- Ronald Reagan - Time To Recapture Our Destiny
- Ronald Reagan - To Restore America
- Ronald Reagan Tributes
- Ronald Reagan - Westminster Address
- Ronald Reagan - We Will Be A City Upon A Hill
- Ronald Reagan - We Will Not Be Turned Back
- Ronald Reagan - Your America To Be Free
- Ronald Wilson Reagan
- The New Federalist Platform
Faith and Family
- Christmas and Our Patriot Founders
- Easter Traditions
- Father's Day
- First and Tenth: Alan Keyes' Ten Commandments Address (AL)
- First and Tenth: Ten Commandments Monument (AL)
- Honoring the Sanctity of Life
- Imago Dei
- Imago Dei: The Samuel Armas Story
- Interfaith Memorial for Murdered Dallas Police
- Letter of Resignation to the National Board from Rob Green
- Mother's Day
- "My Beautiful America" by The Charlie Daniels Band
- National Day of Prayer
- Patriot Interview: Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore on the First Amendment
- Rebecca Hagelin: Taking Back Our Homes
- Resurrection Day Meditations
- Thanksgiving Quiz
- The 50 U.S. State Constitutions on God
- The Christmas Story
- The Good News
- The History and Legacy of Our National Thanksgiving
- Why I Love Her by John Wayne
George W. Bush
- State of the Union Address (2004)
- State of the Union Address (2007)
- State of the Union Address (2008)
Obama's "Fundamental Transformation of the United States of America"
- 2012 Election: Mapping What Obama Does Not Want You To Know
- Barack Hussein Obama's Radical Lefitst Roots
- Barack Hussein Obama's Spirtual Mentor: Jeremiah Wright
- Barack Obama's National Service Program
- Bureaucracy Flourishes Under Obama
- Che Obama and the Cuban Flag
- DoD Training Directive
- Fort Knox Exercise
- Obama Blame Shifting
- Obama Over America
- Obama's First Inaugural Address
- Obama's Second Inaugural Address
- Obama's Unemplyment Numbers
- The Coming Debt Bomb Shockwave
- The Obamas on the Cover of New Yorker Magazine
John Kerry
- Abandoned Brothers
- About John Edwards
- About John F. Kerry
- Aid and comfort to the enemy: The Kerry record
- Attacking the Attackers
- 'Bugged out of Vietnam'
- Decorated veteran John Kerry, testifying before the House Foreign Relations Committee, questions the War in Vietnam, Washington, D.C., April 22, 1971.
- Former Green Beret Tackles Kerry
- Former Green Beret Tackles Kerry Again
- Hanoi Kerry's War Record
- I Had a Nightmare
- I was on Mr. Kerry's boat in Vietnam. He doesn't deserve to be commander in chief.
- John Kerry and the War on Terrorism
- John Kerry: A Timeline of Events
- John Kerry Not Too Eager to Serve in Armed Forces
- John Kerry on the U.S. Military
- John Kerry's Shipmates Speak Out
- John Kerry's War Record
- John Kerry: The Chameleon Senator
- John Kerry: Unfit for Command
- John Kerry Vists the Troops "Stuck" in Iraq
- Kerry Communities
- Kerry, Gun Control and Hunting
- Kerry in 1971: 'Our Democracy is a Farce'
- Kerry Iraq Documentary
- Kerry-Linked Anti-War Group Can't Bury Deceit
- Kerry Lying About Anti-War Past, Supporter Alleges
- Kerry on the Issues
- Kerry Photo in Vietnam
- Kerry Protested Vietnam With 'Hanoi' Jane and 'Radical' Ramsey
- Kerry Resume for President
- Kerry's Denials at Odds With 1971 Book He Authored
- Kerry's Health Plan: Bigger Government, Higher Taxes
- Kerry's Homes
- Kerry's Ketchup Money
- Kerry's Purple Owie
- Kerry's Quagmire
- Kerry's Running Mate
- Kerry's Silver Star Citation(s)
- Kerry's Soviet Rhetoric - The Vietnam-era antiwar movement got its spin from the Kremlin.
- Kerry's Vietnam Chronology
- Kerry 'Unfit to be Commander-in-Chief,' Say Former Military Colleagues
- Kerry vs. Kerry - Running against his record
- Kerry v. The Truth
- Kerry Will Abandon War on Terrorism - Begin dialogue with regimes, apologize for mistakes by Bush
- Lt. John Kerry as a Ready Reservist
- Revealed: how 'war hero' Kerry tried to put off Vietnam military duty
- Senator John Kerry's Congressional Record
- Sen. John Forbes Kerry: Candidate Background
- Statement of RADM William L. Schachte, Jr. USN (Ret.)
- Swift Vets' Letter to John Kerry
- Telling It Like It Is: I will never trust John Kerry with my family's safety.
- Teresa Heinz Kerry: Bag Lady for the Radical Left
- The New Soldier
- Twas the night before Christmas (Cambodian Version)
- Unfit for Command Chapter 03: The Purple Heart Hunter
- Unfit for Command Chapter 05: More Fraudulent Medals
- Unfit for Command Chapter 06: A Testimony of Lies
- Veterans Oppose John Kerry
- Vets line up to describe former colleague as 'vain' opportunist unfit for presidency
- Vetting the Vet Record - Is Kerry a proud war hero or angry antiwar protester?
On The Left
- 2008 Democrat Platform
- Ain't That Special?
- Another Mind-Numbing Moment from Ted Turner
- Democrat Red — Republican Blue
- From Black Suppression to Black Supremacy
- Hanoi Jane's Propaganda Radio Broadcast
- Henry Gates Arrested
- Howard Dean
- List of State of California Agencies
- Mary Jo Kopechne
- Nancy Pelosi: 500 Million Jobs
- Nancy Pelosi: "No Earmarks"
- Schumer: "Americans Don't Care
- Traitor: "Hanoi Jane" Fonda
The Clintons
- Bill Clinton: The Consummate Prevaricator
- CBS Exposes Hillary Clinton's Bosnia Lie
- Clinton "Friends" Who Knew Too Much
- Hillary Clinton: In Her Own Words
- Hillary Laughing
- The Clintons with Obama Benefactor Tony Rezko
- American Media: A Letter from al-Zawahiri to al-Zarqawi
- Photo Fraud
- Photo Fraud: Manipulated Images
- Photo Fraud: Misleading Captions
- Photo Fraud: Staged Death
- Photo Fraud: Staged Destruction
- The MSM Love Affair with Obama
- The "Pollaganda Effect"
- Violent Imagery?
September 11
- A 9/11 Retrospective
- Chronology: 11 September 2001
- Day of Terror: A September 11 Retrospective
- Flight 93
- Our Response
- The Pentagon
- The World Trade Center
Islamic Jihad
- Al-Qa'ida Jihadi Osama bin Laden — Then And Now
- Al-Zarqawi: Blueprint for Jihad
- Islam: A Religion of Peace, But Not for American Contractors (Warning: Graphic Content)
- Islam: A Religion of Peace, But Not for Nicholas Berg (Warning: Graphic Content)
- Islamic Terrorist Network in America
- Mohammed Cartoons
- Remarks by Judge William Young: United States v. Reid
- Wafa Sultan: The Truth About Islamist Jihad
War On Terror
- 9/11: Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
- Al-Zarqawi: Go to Hell
- Counter Terrorism: CIA (2004)
- Counter Terrorism: FBI (2004)
- Counter Terrorism: Rice v. Clarke
- Dispelling the Myths About Iraq
- Fifty-nine Deceits in Fahrenheit 9/11
- George Bush: The War on Terror
- Iraqi Tribute to U.S. Warfighters: Fallen Warriors
- Iraqi WMD: You Can Hide a Lot in the Desert
- James Mattis on the Importance of Historical Knowledge (and Some of His Notable Quotes)
- Mike Adams: My Apology to the Arab World
- Nuclear Terrorism: A Hypothetical Detonation
- OIF: Bush Address to UN General Assembly (2003)
- OIF: Clintonistas on Iraq
- OIF: Thanksgiving in Iraq
- OIF: The Bush Record
- Presidential Briefing on Osama bin Laden (6 August, 2001)
- 2014 GOP Standards for Immigration Reform
- Obama Announces Immigration Executive Order
- Reconquista: Memo to President Vicente Fox
- Reconquista: Mexican Flag Over American Flag
- Reconquista: Mexican Standoff
- Reconquista: The Movement
- Reconquista: What Is An American?
- The High Cost of Low-Skill Immigrants
- Theodore Roosevelt: 'Citizenship in a Republic'
Nationalizing Health Care
- Congressman Mike Rogers on Health Care Reform
- Health Care Remarks by John Boehner and Nancy Pelosi
- Senate and House Roll Call on H.R. 3590
- Toward the Nationalization of Health Care
Climate Change
- 500 Scientists Question "Global Warming" Dogma
- C02 Vr Surface Temp Discrepancy
- Everything is Caused by Global Warming (600+ links)
- Greenhouse Effect Data
- Letter from Frederick Seitz
- National Temperature (Contiguous U.S.)
- Newsweek's Global Warming Cover
- New York Times on Global Warming, 15 May, 1932
- NOAA Temp Record
- Peer-Reviewed Scientific Studies Put Big Chill on Global Warming
- Questions for Al Gore
- Record Temperatures in 1934
- Science, Politics and Death
- Sea Level Records
- Solar Activity
- Solar Cycle and Global Temps
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism
- The SOS Al Gore Sinks in Antarctica
- Time Magazine Cover: Parody of Iwo Jima Memorial
- Where the Fuel Comes From
Hurricane Katrina
- Anatomy of a National Disaster: The Consequential Timeline of Hurricane Katrina
- Emergency Management Protocol in Natural Disasters: Individual and Local, State and Federal Government Responsibilities
- Leftist Demo-gogues on Hurricane Katrina
- The NOLA Bus Terminal Post-Katrina
Patriot Miscellany
- Happy Christmahanakwamadanice from the Legal Department
- Latin and Greek in The Patriot
- The New York Times, November 20, 1863
- The Patriot Post Dictionary on Class Warfare
Days of National Recognition
- Blessings on Your New Year!
- Boston Tea Party
- Columbus Day vs. Indigenous Peoples' Day
- Constitution Day
- Flag Day and the U.S. Army
- How Did January 1st Become New Year's Day? And How Is It Connected to Leap Day?
- Independence Day
- Independence Day, 1776
- Juneteenth
- Labor Day
- Martin Luther King Jr.
- Merry Christmas!
- National Day of Prayer
- Patriots' Day Battles of Lexington and Concord
- Remembering Pearl Harbor
- Robert E. Lee
- The American Flag
- The Bill of Rights
- The Democrat Degradation of Black History Month
- Washington's Birthday vs. Presidents' Day
The Trump Term
- Address to Congress (2017)
- Farewell Address of President Donald Trump
- President Donald J. Trump's Inaugural Address
- President Trump's 2020 RNC Speech
- Report on the Investigation Into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election
- Special Counsel's Report: Principal Conclusions
- Telephone Conversation With President Zelenskyy of Ukraine
- Trump Administration Accomplishments
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